Policies & Procedures

Animal Welfare

In any class activity involving animals, the care and welfare of the animals must be paramount in relation to the Animal Welfare Act 1999.  You can download the PDF version of the Animal Welfare document here Animal Welfare


Student attendance has a significant influence on student engagement and achievement. From the age of six years there is a legal requirement for children to attend school. Parents are responsible for enrolling their children and ensuring they attend regularly (SS 20 and 24 Education Act 1989). Parents also have a responsibility to communicate effectively with the school when their child is not at school.  You can download the PDF version of the Attendance document here Attendance

Cell Phone/Personal Digital Device Use

Cell phones and personal digital devices are part of everyday life for many people.  This procedure is to ensure they are used appropriately at school. 

A personal digital device is any privately owned digital device that is not part of a school-approved bring your own device (BYOD) programme. This includes, but is not limited to, cell phones, smartwatches, tablets, gaming consoles, portable music players, e-readers and other similar devices.  Paraparaumu Beach School does not recommend that students bring personal digital devices to school as these are not necessary to have during the day. However, we do understand that some parents like their children to have a device to communicate with them after school.  You can download the PDF version of the Cell Phone/Personal Digital Device Use Procedure here Cell Phone Personal Digital Device Use

Curriculum Delivery & Assessment

The New Zealand Curriculum specifies 8 learning areas: English, The Arts, Health and Physical Education, Learning Languages, Mathematics and Statistics, Science, Social Science and Technology.  Our school curriculum places importance in the principles, values and learning capabilities as well as inquiry practices.  You can download the PDF version of the Curriculum Delivery & Assessment here Curriculum Delivery and Assessment

Dress Code for Students

Dress, appearance and accessories should be comfortable and appropriate for the learning situation and school activities and not a distraction.  You can download the PDF version of the Dress Code for Students here Dress Code for Students

Dyslexia Procedure

Dyslexia is a specific learning difference that is neurobiological in origin. It affects the acquisition of literacy skills but also impacts auditory sequential memory, information processing, planning and organisational skills.  Dyslexic individuals tend to think in pictures rather than words, receiving and retrieving information in a different part of the brain to neurotypical, word-based thinkers.  You can download the PDF version of the Dyslexia Procedure document here Dyslexia Procedure

Emergency Procedures - Earthquake, Fire & Tsunami

This procedure outlines how Paraparaumu Beach School will respond in the event of an emergency.  While every event is unique, there are some basic steps to follow when responding to any emergency. 

You can download the PDF version of the Procedure here Emergency Procedures

You can download the PDF version of the Earthquake plan here Earthquake

You can download the PDF version of the Fire plan here Fire

You can download the PDF version of the Tsunami plan here Tsunami

Enrolment Scheme

By managing the number of students at Paraparaumu Beach School, the Board of Trustees aims to avoid overcrowding of the Schools buildings, facilities and resources.  You can download the PDF version of the Enrolment Scheme here Enrolment Scheme

Gifted & Talented

At Paraparaumu Beach School we are committed to supporting our students to achieve their full potential. This procedure helps to ensure that we recognise and support students in our school who have been identified as ‘gifted’ and ‘talented’ through the provision of opportunities for talent development.  You can download the PDF version of the Positive Behaviour document here Gifted and Talented

Home Learning

At Paraparaumu Beach School we believe home learning is important to children’s progress, confidence and success. It also creates a valuable opportunity for parents to engage with their child about their learning. Home learning is a partnership between school, home and child.  Home learning has various purposes including reinforcement of foundation skills in literacy and mathematics, promotion of self-management as students progress through schooling levels and it helps student to see that learning can take place anywhere.  You can download the PDF  version of the Home Learning document here Home Learning

Parent/Caregiver Complaints

This procedure aims to ensure that complaints from parents, or members of the public, are received and dealt with appropriately and in a timely manner. School Management and the Board of Trustees will work to ensure objectivity and fairness are paramount, and confidentiality is maintained.  You can download the PDF version of the Parent/Caregiver Complaints document here Parent Caregiver Complaints

Positive Behaviour

At Paraparaumu Beach School we believe that positive relationships between all members of our community is at the heart of a happy, safe and healthy school. This promotes well being and success for all. Consistency of approach and clarity of values will help everyone understand the positive behaviour expectations and support systems at Paraparaumu Beach School. Our motto is “CARING, SHARING AND PREPARING.”  You can download the PDF version of the Positive Behaviour document here Positive Behaviour

Prize Giving Awards & Criteria

Over the years PBS has been gifted a number of cups/trophies from departing student families or staff members.  The award recipients are determined according to the stated criteria for each award and the judgements are made by those best placed in relation to what the award is for e.g. classroom teachers, senior management or coaches.  You can download the PDF version of the Prize Giving Awards & Criteria document here Prize Giving Awards & Criteria

Road Safety

At Paraparaumu Beach School we acknowledge the dangers in and around roads. Appropriate programmes, training and processes will mitigate risk. This responsibility is shared between home and school.  You can download the PDF version of the Road Safety document here Road Safety 

Students With Special Needs

We believe all students should experience success at school. Additional support is required for some students to enable them to achieve success. Support can take many different forms, and at PBS we will endeavour to provide this.  You can download the PDF version of the Students With Special Needs document here Students with Special Needs

Sun Safety

Making students aware of the dangers of exposure to the sun during periods of high risk may help to reduce the incidence of skin disease arising in later life.  You can download the PDF version of the Sun Safety document here Sun Safety

Swimming & Water Safety

Water recreation is a popular activity in Aotearoa New Zealand. As a coastal community water is an important aspect of education for our students. All children should be aware of the danger water can pose and be provided with the opportunity to learn to swim and develop their water confidence.  You can download the PDF version of the Swimming & Water Safety document here Swimming and Water Safety

Third Party Providers at PBS

Paraparaumu Beach School is a public, state school which values inclusive practice and equal access to educational opportunities. There may be occasions when the school is approached regarding the use of a Third Party Provider (TPP) on school grounds.  You can download the PDF version of the Third Party Providers document here Third Party Providers at Paraparaumu Beach School