Newsletter 2022/17

Principal's Message

Kia Ora parents, caregivers and whānau

It’s quite clear that climate change is affecting us. In all my years of teaching I’ve never known so many weeks of extreme stormy weather in a row.  With such unpredictable weather it’s great to see parents sending kids to school with layers of clothing, rain coats, beanies, gloves, even a spare pair of socks.  Keeping warm and dry is certainly one way to keep kids healthy during the winter months.

We are still experiencing low numbers of Covid cases across the school; thank you to parents for ensuring the school stays informed on this front.  Knowing the numbers of cases enables me to track whether case numbers are rising and if PBS needs to put extra plans in place. Fortunately our school seems to be doing fairly well compared to other communities.  

Our school Board has funded flu jabs for any staff wishing to take up this offer, so we are doing our best to stay healthy too.  Unfortunately with staff having to isolate throughout this pandemic the financial impacts on schools is significant, as it was in 2021 as well.  Extra financial funding from the Ministry doesn’t cover the total costs of employing relief staff, so all schools, PBS included, are likely to experience overspending this year. 

More than ever we appreciate those families who can afford to pay the school donations and enter the tax rebate scheme (see info later in this newsletter).  Every dollar counts and every dollar is greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

Some key dates for your Term 3 diary include:

Term 3 – Week 2: Wednesday, 3 August PBS Teacher only day for Learning Conferences more information in next week’s newsletter


Sharing good news spreads positivity, changes attitudes and ultimately leads to more people feeling encouraged and happy

Staff and students are excited for our Matariki Celebrations next week. Hopefully the weather will be kind to us. Our tamariki have lots of fun activities to get involved in during the school day and evening. I’ll be teaching kids how to make a basic poi during the school day, so if you have time to lend a hand please come along.

If you have any dacron (cushion filling) and/or pieces of plain fabric we can use for this activity, please drop them into the school office. Thanks a million!

Kei te manahau ahau ki te whakanui te wā o Matariki!

Ngā mihi nui
Jess Ward
Tumuaki ~ Principal

Welcome to Our Recent New Students

Hunter – Rm 25
Sophie – Rm 9
Phoenix – Rm 1

Student Work

This colourful artwork from Rm 22 really brought a smile to my face this week, so I thought I would share it with you all!  Artwork by Reef, Finley, Kaia, Cash, Isla, Rouve and Rico.

Using Māori Language at Home

It’s important for all Kiwi to learn te reo.  Each week our newsletter will include phrases that you might like to try out at your place.  After all, it will take the whole nation to keep this unique language alive.

Kīwaha are colloquial sayings and they are great phrases to drop into your everyday conversation. Here are a couple to try:

Pai kare! By golly!
He reka! — Yum!
Kua pau te hau! I’m exhausted!
Kia tau!Relax!

Kid's Quote

Overheard in the playground: 

My neighbours live next door

Family Donations

At Paraparaumu Beach School we do our best to keep the Family Donations low, so they are achievable for families to contribute. Our donations are set lower than most other schools of our size and decile.

PBS Family Donations for 2022 are $100 per family or $65 for a single child

For many families this is not a lot of money, and we really appreciate every cent.  Every parent donation is put towards buying educational resources for our students e.g. new reading books, maths equipment and sports gear.  

You are able to pay each term, in one lump sum, or structure any donation to meet your needs. Payment can be made through KINDO.

Thank you in advance for helping PBS provide the educational resources our kids need.

Claim Your School Donation Tax Rebates in myKindo This Year

When you make your school donations to Paraparaumu Beach School in myKindo for 2022, you’ll see the option to opt-in to Supergenerous when you pay.

Kindo and Supergenerous work together to lodge your donation rebate claim with the IRD. They do all the hard work for you and give you the option to re-gift your 33% tax rebate to our school as a new donation. It’s an awesome way to make your donation go further.


Delicious Hangi Available for Purchase and Volunteer Helpers Required

Te Moana is fundraising for camp in 2023 by selling delicious hangi for $15 each:  Chicken, pork, lamb, potato, kumara, pumpkin and good ol’ stuffing!  Only 150 are available, so get in quick!!!

Order via Kindo today. Orders close Monday, 20 June at 9am.  Pick up from outside Rm 12 at our Matariki Evening from 5.30pm on Wednesday, 22 June. The postponement date is Monday, 27 June – same time and place.

If we can’t hold the hangi on the intended dates we will postpone it to later in the year when the weather is more favourable.

Also, 2 more volunteers are required for kai preparation on Tuesday, 21 June at 3.15pm in the hall. Please email Ginny at if you’re able to help. BYO chopping board, sharp knife and veggie peeler.

URGENT - Dry Firewood Needed for Matariki Evening

With all the crazy wet weather, we’re struggling to get hold of enough dry wood for our hangi and bonfire. If you have any around the home that you are happy to donate, please bring it to school or email asap.

Thanks so much to Dean Murphy from Chopped for the wood that he has already donated.

Gift Ezlunch Kai



Order your hoodies now to support the Te Motu Syndicate school camp in 2023!

PTA Raffle 2022

Please check your child’s bag on Friday for our amazing 2022 raffle tickets which we would appreciate if you could sell.  The tickets are only $2.00 with some fantastic prizes to be won, so we are sure they will be snapped up fast.

If you need more books to sell please email and more will be sent home with your child.  However, if you don’t want to sell them, please return them to school asap so that they can be allocated to others.  There will be a box in the office marked “raffle tickets” for all sold and unsold tickets to be returned to.

Road Safety at PBS

At peak times roads around the school become very congested. Please help us keep our students and pedestrians safe by:

  • Parking legally.  This means no parking on the yellow lines, in marked clearways, on grass verges, over footpaths or in neighbours’ driveways. These practices are illegal and often block the patroller’s view of the road and pedestrian access
  • Using ‘drop off’ zones correctly. ‘Drop off’ zones are for pulling in and letting children exit the vehicle, not for parking
  • Not using the school gateway/staff car park or neighbours’ driveways as turn-around areas. Never u-turn in congested areas

With courtesy, patience and common sense we can improve traffic congestion, parking, and the safety of our child(ren) whilst getting to and from school. Thank you.

Updating Student Records

This week we will be sending home “Updating Student Record” forms for you to check, make any changes necessary, and return to the office please.  It is very important that you return these forms to the office (whether or not there are any changes to be made) to ensure we have the correct contacts on file in case of an emergency.

Thank you.

New Entrant Parent Information Presentation – Tātahi Syndicate

A New Entrant Information Presentation will be held for all parents of new children on Friday, 1 July from 10.00-10.30am in the staffroom.

This session will :

· provide an overview of the ‘Transition to School’
· provide an overview of the New Entrant Programme in reading, writing and mathematics
· highlight how you can help at home with learning

In Tātahi Syndicate, we believe that successful partnerships between home and school are established when both parties have a shared expectation and knowledge of their child’s learning. We would love to see you there.

Future Student Achievements

If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to

Advertise in our Community Directory

Do you have a business and want to support PBS through advertising?

Check out the Community Directory on our website  You can advertise your business here for a small contribution.  Businesses can list their services, events and opportunities all here for others in our large school community to see and access.  This helps us support local businesses, encouraging PBS parents to support your business, and keeps all listings in one easy to find spot. Below are a few screen shots of what you can find. Click on a listing and explore the content!