
A huge congratulations to Alex Martin in Room 13 who recently graded and gained his black belt in taekwando! This is an absolutely amazing achievement in itself but to have … Read more


This term we have had two very enthusiastic teams competing in the Interschool Futsal competition on Monday nights.  They have had a great time! Thanks so much to Tash Denison … Read more

Book Week

Our annual Book Week helps to promote a love of literacy and if the sales at the Book Fair were anything to go by, then the reading force is strong … Read more

Book Week

Where’s Wally? Tomorrow Wally will be hiding in 7 locations around the school. Can you figure out where he’s been? Tamariki can check out the daily notices for more details. … Read more

From the Student Council

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone’s book character costumes next Friday. The Parade will be held at 9:10am (weather permitting) on the basketball court. Dates for our lunchtime movie charity … Read more