Principal's Message
Kia Ora PBS Parents and Caregivers
I just want to start by saying your kids are awesome! You should all be very proud of the wonderful people you’re raising.
Due to their awesomeness and the collective work of staff and parents, PBS is doing well; our school remains open, we are staying calm, optimistic and of course vigilant. I am so pleased with how well the kids are behaving, following hygiene practices and being kind to one another. It’s uplifting to watch how they just get on with daily school life.
I am also grateful that the stigma of contracting/having Covid-19 is gradually shrinking. No-one wants to catch it, no-one goes out to deliberately try to get it. The fact is that Covid is easily transmittable, it’s nobody’s fault if you contract it, nor should patients feel any shame. Patients need to focus all their energies into recovery.
We currently have around 20-30 families self isolating due to a case of Covid-19 within their household. In those households, there are about 10 PBS kids who have Covid themselves. We wish them all a speedy recovery back to full health.
If, in the coming days or weeks, your child becomes unwell with Covid or is isolating because there is a case in your household, please let school know as this helps me to re-assess the safety measures in place. Teachers can also ensure that your child receives ‘learning from home’ work. It is also super important to keep any child with cold or flu symptoms at home so those of us working at school can remain in good health and keep the school running and open. Thanks.
Sharing good news spreads positivity, changes attitudes and ultimately leads to more people feeling encouraged and happy
Ema and Aglika from Room 11 have been sharing the tradition of Martenitsa with their classmates. Ema and Aglika’s families are from Bulgaria and last week they proudly shared this tradition with me too. They presented me with a small bracelet made from white and red wool. Martenitsa are worn from Baba Marta Day (March 1 when Spring starts in Bulgaria) until the wearer first sees a stork, swallow or blossoming tree (or until the
end of March).
The red and white woven threads symbolize the wish for good health, which is of paramount importance right now.
Amy in Room 29 has been learning to ride a unicycle! I asked Amy about her new passion and this is what she told me. “I started unicycling about 2 months ago. My sister helped me learn how to unicycle because she started unicycling about a year before me. It is really fun but quite hard when you start. I did a lot of falling off. Now I can unicycle to school and home again for Moving March.
Before I sign off, I want to send our best wishes with Vicki Wilson (our Assistant Principal) as she heads off on Study Leave for the next 32 weeks. Vicki is going to study Te Reo Māori at Te Wānanga o Raukawa in Ōtaki. Ka pai Vicki. Karawhuia atu!
Mā te kimika kite, Seek and discover
Mā te kite ke mōhio, Discover and know
Māa te mōhio ka mārama, Know and become enlightened
Mā te wā,
Jess Ward – Tumuaki ~ Principal
Welcome to Our Recent New Students
There were no new students this week.
Advertise in our Community Directory
Have you checked out our community directory yet? PBS has launched an online community directory for the Kapiti Coast.
In the directory is an online user-maintained list of businesses, events and opportunities in the Kapiti area including job advertisements.
To view the new community directory click here and for instructions on how to advertise, please click here
Using Māori Language at Home
It’s important for all Kiwi to learn te reo. Each week our newsletter will include phrases that you might like to try out at your place. After all, it will take the whole nation to keep this unique language alive.
Questions/Ngā Pātai
Āwhinatia mai? Can you help me?
He aha te mate? What’s the matter?
Kua reri? Are you ready?

Spotlight News
Parents can access the student portal via the @school app
All parents can download this app as it is useful in many ways:
@SCHOOL enables parents to:
- Access private information specific to your child
- Password-protected and stored safely and securely
- Real-time information, with regular updates
- Accessible anywhere, anytime
NB: Students in Years 4 – 8 and Teachers refer to this as Spotlight
Kid's Quote
Thanks to the beautiful weather we have been making good use of the school pool. I commented to a junior class that I would ‘try my best’ to get over to the pool in the following few days to watch them swim.
When I got tied up with other work a junior boy informed me
“You said you’d do your best, but you didn’t!”
Oh dear I must improve!

Were Your Ears Burning?
Staff Gratitude Section
This year our staff are continuing to undertake professional development (PD) in Mathematics learning and teaching, focusing on new research and practice in this area. I want to thank Rachel McDowell, Vanessa Brewer and Vicki Wilson for driving this PD alongside facilitators from Cognition Education. There is some intense learning ahead but Rachel, Vanessa and Vicki are ensuring we are well placed to absorb new knowledge, research and practice.
Thanks team!
Zones of Regulation
This year PBS teachers and teacher aides have started professional development in the Zones of Regulation. This is to support students to better manage their emotions. Some of our staff have been using the Zones in their classrooms for some time and have seen the benefits this programme can have for students who struggle to self regulate.
What are the Zones of Regulation?
The Zones of Regulation is a conceptual framework used to teach students self regulation. Creating this type of system to categorise the complex feelings and states students experience improves their ability to recognise and communicate how they are feeling in a safe, non-judgemental way. It also allows students to tap into strategies or tools to help them move between Zones. The Zones of Regulation categorises states of alertness and emotions into 4 coloured zones.
The Blue Zone is used to describe low states of alertness, such as when one feels sad, tired, sick or bored. This is when one’s body and/or brain is moving slowly or sluggishly.
The Green Zone is used to describe a regulated state of alertness. A person may be described as calm, happy, focused or content when in the Green Zone. This is the Zone students generally need to be in for learning to occur and for being social. Being in the Green Zones shows control.
The Yellow Zone is also used to describe a heightened state of alertness, however, a person has some control when in the Yellow Zone. A person may be experiencing stress, frustration, anxiety, excitement, silliness, nervousness, confusion, and many more slightly elevated emotions and states when in the Yellow Zone (such as wiggly, squirmy or sensory seeking). The Yellow Zone is starting to lose some control.
The Red Zone is used to describe extremely heightened states of alertness or very intense feelings. A person may be experiencing anger, pain, terror, devastation or elation when in the Red Zone. Being in the Red Zone can be explained by being overwhelmed by one’s feelings and having a loss of control.
The graphic below helps to understand each Zone. You might notice your child using some of the language associated with the Zones at home in the coming weeks. We’ll be sharing some of the tools or strategies tamariki can draw on to help them regulate and move between Zones.
2022 Netball Season Dates
We are very excited to advise you that the 2022 netball season is about to begin very soon. Registration forms have been sent home with all children who displayed an interest. If you would like a registration form for your child or require more information, please contact Hillary Houston at
We will require parent/senior secondary students’ support to sustain a team, either as a coach or umpire. Without this support, we will not be able to enter teams. Netball Kāpiti runs coaching sessions if you are new to the sport and wish to help. NB: Coaches/Volunteers working with students require vaccination passes
Year 3’s – Thursday, 31st March to 2nd June at 4.00 pm at Te Atiawa Courts. Registration forms are due by the 11th of March.
Year 4’s – Thursday, 31st March to 16th June at 5.00 pm at Te Atiawa Courts. Registration forms are due by the 11th of March.
Year 5 – 6’s – Saturday, 7th May – 3rd September. Registration forms are due by the 29th of March.
Year 7 – 8’s – Saturday, 7th May – 3rd September. Registration forms are due by the 11th of March to ensure your child can participate in the trials on the 14th and 18th of March.
Lewin Neary Yr 7/8 Intermediate Tournament
Lewin Neary Year 7 & 8 Intermediate Tournament – Saturday, 9th April 2022
Netball Kapiti will be hosting our Lewin Neary Year 7 & 8 Intermediate Tournament on Saturday, 9th April 2022. Netball Kapiti invites Year 7 & 8 Intermediate teams to our one day Lewin Neary Tournament and we welcome teams from anywhere in our region or from further afield.
This is a great opportunity to give your teams a run before the winter competition begins – or just put in a team for fun.
This is open to any (mixed teams are welcome) Year 7 and 8 school teams – non-representative teams. The format is 7 v 7 and will run at the Te Atiawa Courts Centre, Percival Road, Paraparaumu Beach. Registrations close on Wednesday, 31st March at 5.00 pm.
Team Registration
The cost per team is $80 and you need to submit a form for each team entered. Teams need to supply an umpire.
Registrations Forms are available here
Recent Student Achievements
Wakeboarding: Mila and Theo competed in the North Island Wakeboarding Championships over the weekend. Mila won the under 15 girls division and Theo came 3rd in the under 8 boys.
Wonderful results from these two specialist athletes!

Future Student Achievements
If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to
Digi Corner
Being a Good Digital Citizen at PBS
Students are responsible for ensuring their own behaviour is safe, friendly and fair. This means following our school’s values when online or using digital tools.
We have 7 key student responsibilities as part of our being a good digital citizen at PBS. We started sharing these in our school newsletter a few weeks ago. They can also be found on our school website and are displayed in our classrooms. The final two are:
Keep it Fair. Make sure you check with others if it is okay to record them, or share photos or videos they are in. They should have a say in what happens to things which include them.
Keep it Responsible. If you bring your own device or use a school device, use it in ways and at the times that your teacher says it is okay to. If you bring your own device, make sure you have charged it at home.
We recommend having regular conversations with your child/ren about cyber safety topics so that they feel confident navigating the digital world and recognise that they can approach you for advice if an issue arises.
Entertainment Books
Purchasing an Entertainment Membership is a WIN-WIN!!
Not only will you receive limited time Bonus Offers and a Bonus eGift card with your purchase you will also support our fundraiser.
Winners are grinners so make sure you purchase your Membership TODAY!!
Hurry, this promotion ends on the 21st of March! https://www.

Superpower Neurodiverse Family Support
Superpower Neurodiverse Family Support have put together a FREE Electronic Information Pack for families with a child who has or might have neurodiversity (ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Autism Spectrum etc). The information pack contains lots of information including:
- Links to support and information groups
- Type of Neuordiversity
- Key people you need to know and their roles
- Information for the classroom
- Materials needed at school
- Study at home
- Setting up a good study area
- Study time
- Sensory Strategies
- Support your child’s self-regulation
- Managing feelings
- Problem solving
- Social Cues
- Cognitive Flexibility
- Connecting with your child
- Managing Stress
Whānau can make contact through the organisation’s Facebook page request a pack from there.
Claim Your School Donation Tax Rebates in myKindo This year
When you make your school donations to Paraparaumu Beach School in myKindo for 2022, you’ll see the option to opt-in to Supergenerous when you pay.
Kindo and Supergenerous work together to lodge your donation rebate claim with the IRD. They do all the hard work for you and give you the option to re-gift your 33% tax rebate to our school as a new donation. It’s an awesome way to make your donation go further.