Principal's Message
Kia Ora
Thanks to everyone who was able to attend our parent-teacher interviews last week. As a staff, we have been discussing the options of having students more involved in these interviews and even possibly leading these interviews in the future.
Schools around the country use different types of interviews or conferences to keep parents informed. A growing number of schools use “Learning Conferences” or “Three-way Conferences” (see the link below for a descriptions of these). Many schools have implemented one of these formats with success, whilst other schools have tried them only to revert back to a traditional format. One size doesn’t fit all, which is why we need to examine the purpose behind such change first.
Having students involved in interviews/conferences with parents and teachers would provide an opportunity for greater student ownership over their own learning. Students would be able to celebrate their achievements and also focus in on next learning goals. The flip side of this scenario is that there may be teachers and /or parents who feel that involving the kids means less opportunity for the adult-to-adult conversations.
So what is best for PBS and our students? There’s some more information at this link for you to ponder Conferences in Schools . Later in the year we will provide you with more information/examples and a survey to gather your opinions on this topic.
Before I sign off, I also wanted to thank our wonderful Student Council for organising the fundraiser for KYS (Kapiti Youth Support) last Friday. You can read more about this later in this newsletter. Thank you for your stellar efforts!
Ngā mihi,
Jess Ward – Tumuaki ~ Principal
Welcome to Our Recent New Students
Aurora – Rm 24
Francesca – Rm 24
Support Our Community, Support Our School
Our school community is a huge asset. We want to highlight the incredible work done in the area and support local business to thrive. So PBS has launched an online community directory for the Kapiti Coast! It’s in its early stages with some early adopters already on board. It’s an affordable way of sharing your business – big, small or an “at home” venture/product/service.
The Paraparaumu Beach School Community Directory is an online, user-maintained list of businesses, events, and opportunities in the Kapiti area. The site gives local businesses the opportunity to support PBS while promoting themselves and improving their search engine visibility. This replaces our community notices section in our newsletters.
To visit the new community directory and for instructions on how to advertise, please click here
Student Work
Check out these beautiful artworks inspired by Austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser by pupils in Room 13. I think you’ll agree they are eye-catching!

Using Māori Language at Home
It’s important for all Kiwi to learn te reo. Each week our newsletter will include phrases that you might like to try out at your place. After all, it will take the whole nation to keep this unique language alive.
Ngākau reka – Good attitude

Were Your Ears Burning?
Staff Gratitude Section
Thanks to Sarah Chambers for supporting the Student Council with their fundraiser last week and also for organising some interesting staff professional development on Mindfulness yesterday. Mindfulness practices are much needed in today’s classrooms and society at large.
Kid's Quote
Teacher to student: “If I had a superpower what would it be?”
Student response “Kindness”

PBS Aroha Fund
One thing our school community is rich in is KINDNESS. It’s something we work hard to promote amongst our students. When we know someone is in need we try to give some additional support because not everyone’s circumstances are the same. We do our best as a school to ensure every child has equal opportunities regardless of finance or personal circumstance. Our PBS AROHA fund was set up to enable our whole community to offer support to such families.
The PBS AROHA fund enables anyone in our school community, including businesses, to donate money to help those in our school community who find it hard to make ends meet. This means PBS kids can cover trip costs, camp fees, sport fees, stationery, clothing. It also means that we can provide lunches when kids don’t have any.
If you would like to contribute to this fund you can find it in KINDO labelled PBS AROHA. You can contribute $5, $10 or $20 at any time during the year. If a local business wants to make a contribution they can contact Libby on
Please talk to the office or to me, if you would like to know more about our PBS AROHA fund. All discussions will be confidential.
Giving a little means a lot!
From the Student Council
Ngā mihi nui koutou! Thank you PBS whānau for supporting our Wellbeing Awareness Day & KYS fundraiser! We raised $400 (if you would like to add to this total you can do so at the school office). Fortunately, the sun came out so lots of fun was had at lunchtime with the activities we ran for PBS students.
Check out our school Facebook page for photos!
Yr 0-2 and Team Photos
Photo day for Yr 0-2 students and the balance of team photos not taken earlier in the year will be taken on 24 and 25 August. You do not order/pay for your child’s portraits or class photos until after photo day. See below for instructions on ordering. (Order forms for sibling photos will be available soon).

Midweek Munchies
Midweek Munchies are on again tomorrow (Wednesday). Everything is 50c to $2.
Thank you for helping support the Te Moana Camp fundraising.
Te Moana Camp Fundraiser – Second Run of Soaps Distributed
Hello Te Moana families. Thank you so much for getting behind our soap fundraiser – it is going incredibly well and we are looking at having to place a third order this week!
Families who ordered specific numbers of bars or large orders have had them handed out yesterday (Monday, 9 August ) to bring home. Students in Rooms 1, 2, 3 & 4 who have sold their pack of 6 and returned the money were able to take home a second pack of 6.
As we ran out of packs, students in Rooms 28 & 29, and any others that missed out on Monday will be covered off in our third order. There will also be the opportunity for students who want to take home a third pack to sell (depending on final stock levels).
NB: Students who had not yet returned their forms and money were not able to take another pack yet – but we will cover these requests off in our third order also. We are hoping to distribute the third order next week. This will be our final order.
If your family would like a specific number of soaps, or a large quantity, please send a message to the Facebook group by this Friday (13 August) at the very latest:
Parents: For all soap packs handed out on Monday, 9 August, all forms and money are to be returned to the office by Friday, 20 August please. Thank you.

Te Moana Sausage Sizzle - This Friday, 13 August - Camp Fundraiser
There’s no need to pack a lunch this Friday, 13 August because you can buy a sausage or two instead!! Help Te Moana to fundraise for their camp in Term 4.
$2.00 BBQ Sausages
$3.00 Chicken Sausages
$3.00 Gluten Free Sausages
All come with or without onions and sauce. Payment via Kindo only.
Pānui Whānau Get Together

Support PBS with the Entertainment Book
Each Membership sold between 1 August and 30 September will put our school in the draw to win a $1,000 JB Hi-Fi e-gift voucher! |
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This prize will be won by one lucky New Zealand school. See the following link to order your book now: |