Principal's Message
Kia Ora
Last Friday was an absolute blast! The kids got terribly active and terribly messy during the school Fun Run. The PTA did a superb job planning the course layout which included a slip n’ slide, dancing, crawling under cargo nets, manoeuvering through hoops and tyres, and of course dodging streams of colour. I can’t thank the members of our PTA enough for their energy and effort in raising money for our school. We’re yet to discover the total amount raised, but for me the kids’ joy and laughter was priceless.
To cap off this event, we had a HUGE turn out at the School Picnic; the biggest crowd we have possibly ever had. Thanks to all those families who came along. It was so neat to see everyone socialising and relaxing with extended whānau, new friends and old friends. The atmosphere at this event really highlighted what is great about our school community, the positive attitude and the partnerships between staff and parents. Together we are all here for the kids, for their growth, for their wellbeing and for their sense of belonging. I am so grateful to be part of this larger TEAM.
Of course this is the last week of Term 1. During the term break we are having a couple of property projects completed including an exterior re-paint of Rooms 13 – 16 and the Library. We are also having the pathway from Room 27 all the way out the back gate to Martin Rd re-sealed. By all means please feel free to use the school grounds during the break, but just be aware of these workers and perhaps use the Gray Ave entrance to avoid the new tarseal. One final reminder though – our grounds are dog-free at all times. Thank you.
Ngā mihi,
Jess Ward – Tumuaki ~ Principal
PS – Term 2 date for your diary – School will be closed on Friday, 28 May for a staff only day

Welcome to Our Recent New Student
Ivee Rm 26
Fun Run Update
It was great to see ALL the kids had such an awesome time completing the Fun Run with lots of excitement and laughter throughout the day. Thank you for all your fundraising efforts, you all rock!! We raised approximately $27,000 of which the school will receive $16,200 after the prizes have been taken out (30%) and the admin fee (10%).
Now that the fun run is over you should receive an email from the Fun Run people telling you how to order the prizes but these are the important things to note:
* Please get any cash donations to school before Friday, 16 April. Please send in an envelope to the office with your child’s name, room number and FUN RUN written on it
* After 16 April you will be able to go online and order the prizes that your child would like
* You need to order the prizes before 23 April
* Prizes will be delivered to school in early Term 2 and will be delivered to the classrooms. We will let you know a date when we have them
Ngā mihi
PTA Committee
Sandy Saunders, Samara Shaw, Kylie Morrell, Fiona Turner, Emma Hall, Lakesh Kumar, Nicki Bradley, Vanessa Brewer, Arethea Harris, Vanessa Kellogg
PBS Enviro Group
Did you know that PBS has a keen group of students who are willing to give up their break times to clean up our School, work in the gardens and create a nice environment for all of us?
With Joshua Paton as our leader, and help from Mr Parr and Mrs Evans, we have been working on the gardens outside Rooms 28 & 29 and picking up rubbish around various parts of the School. We have been planting new seedlings, weeding and caring for existing plants. We are planning out things we can do to improve our garden beds and watering systems. In the meantime, we have been recycling rainwater for the garden beds.
We have just planted in the last few weeks a variety of new herbs, which we hope to sell along with some other plants as either produce or seedlings, so watch out for future sales!
We would like to thank those students and families who have donated plants, equipment, soil and seeds. Any donations of potting mix, compost, pots/containers, seeds, kids gardening gloves or any other equipment would be really appreciated. We would also welcome any financial donations. All items/donations can be dropped to Mrs Evans in Room 2, or Mr Parr in Room 17. Thank You.
By Callum Rice
On behalf of the PBS Enviro Group
The Crest Value of Self-Management
Thankfully the weather behaved itself this morning, enabling us all to get outside for a whole school assembly. At assemblies I like to focus of our CREST values so that they remain ever-visible and prominent. This morning we covered the school value of Self Management and I was interested to hear what the students considered someone with good self management to be. This is what the kids told me a good self manager does…

School Enrolment Scheme - Terms 3 & 4 New Entrants
If you have any children due to start school soon that you have not let us know about, or if you have friends or neighbours who don’t currently have a child at PBS, but may be hoping to enrol a new entrant child here in Terms 3 or 4, please ask them to contact our school office. Thank you.
NB: The ‘out-of-zone’ applications process for Terms 3 & 4 new entrants will be advertised in the Kapiti Observer in mid-May.
Using Māori Language at Home
Te rā – The sun
Kapua – Cloud
Ngā kapua – Clouds
Kei muri te rā i ga kapua – The sun is behind the clouds

Were Your Ears Burning?
Staff Gratitude Section
Currently there is a big push to introduce a ‘structured literacy’ approach to teaching reading and writing in all NZ schools. Our junior school teachers in Tātahi have been particularly busy recently attending courses and undertaking professional reading into this approach. The Ministry is gradually coming on board by providing junior reading materials which match this approach. Big thanks to Rachel, Jalah, Sandy, Cristie, Jo and Sarah for the dedication they’re all showing to bringing this to life in their classrooms.
Kid's Quote
After the School Fun Run one student informed me …
“The red colour tasted the best!”
What? Whilst it was cornflour, it wasn’t provided as a taste test!

Art Project - Ever Heard of Yarn Bombing?
The crafty kids of Room 13 have been busy finger knitting for our Yarn-bombing project. Next term we will have a lunchtime club to knit, crochet and fingerknit – so if you are available to help out please get in touch!
For this project we are asking for donations of colourful wool and knitting needles. Send donated wool or knitting needles to the office and email if you’d like to be part of this project.
Personal Toys Belong at Home
We have seen an increase in toys being brought to school, particularly the new bubble wrap fidget toys. We find that toys tend to get lost or broken, or traded, then the owner decides they want the toy back, which regularly results in tears.
To avoid these issues, we’d appreciate you reinforcing the following message with your child/ren: “Personal toys belong at home, don’t take them to school”.
Thank you.
Lost Property
Lost property will be on display on the netball fence if the weather is fine this week, otherwise under cover by Room 5.
Anything unclaimed or un-named will be sent to the Koha Shed at end of the week.

Kindo - Finding Your Donations & Receipts and Claiming Back Your Donation Rebate
Click here for instructions on finding your donations and receipts. You can claim back 33.33c for every dollar you spend on donations (where donations are greater than $5).
Individual donation receipts can also be downloaded as required, or several can be selected and downloaded into a zip file. Information is available on
NOTE: Kindo cannot change the details on your donation receipt, so please ensure your Account Holder name is correct BEFORE paying any donations. Donation receipts will only be issued for items that the school has nominated as ‘donation receipt required’.
Year 1/2 Netball
• Fees were to be paid by Thursday, 11 March
• Netball started on Wednesday, 17 March
Years 3-6 Netball
• Fees are to be paid by Monday, 3 May
• Netball starts for Yr 3/4 on Monday, 10 May and for Yr 5/6 on Saturday, 8 May
Year 7/8 Netball
• Fees are to be paid by Monday, 3 May
• Netball starts on Saturday, 8 May
• Training for players in Yrs 3-8 teams will be on a day specified by the team’s coach
We are still looking for coaches for a Year 3 team. Also, we need an umpire for our Yr 7/8 Blazers team. If you can help, please contact Vicki Wilson on
The season will start on:
• Tuesday, 4 May for Yr 7/8
• Wednesday, 5 May for Yrs 1-4
• Fees are to be paid by Monday, 3 May
• Training for Yrs 3-8 players is on a Friday from 3.30-4.30pm at the Kapiti Hockey Turf
We are looking for coaches for a number of teams. If you are able to help us, please contact Vicki Wilson on
DigiTech Corner
No doubt with the upcoming school holidays there are playdates and sleep overs planned. Here’s a great tip from Digiisocial that might be helpful.
House rules: Every family is unique with different rules and expectations. It’s okay to stick firmly to ‘my house, my rules’ when it comes to playdates and sleepovers when children bring a device.
For more information visit:

Sleep is Important!

Community Notices
Please note—community notices are accepted on a “publication if space allows” basis (thus no guarantee of publication can be given) three times per term (start/middle/end); a small contribution of $10 to the school for short “business” notices is appreciated before publication. Finally and importantly, the publishing in the school newsletter of any community notice does not imply school sanctioning of, support for, or knowledge of the event or activity described.
Leonie’s Tennis Holiday Programme: Learn to serve, rally and score with fun games and prizes at Paraparaumu Beach Tennis Club, Percival Road, Paraparaumu Beach on Mon 19, Wed 21 and Fri 23 April from 9am-12pm for ages 5-12 years. Cost: $30 per day or $80 for 3 days.
sKids Holiday Programme: sKids Kenakena specialises in delivering quality before school, after school and holiday programmes. We strive to create a fun and safe environment that our kids just love. Now taking bookings for our Autumn holiday programme and Term 2. Please call Jools Da Silva on 021 0254 3249 or email
Love the stage? Silver Shoe Performers is Kapiti’s newest performing arts school offering drama, musical theatre, screen acting, teen performers and glee singing club. Small classes, experienced teachers, competitive prices. Visit for timetable, prices and enrolment details.
Nature/Nuture Autumn Retreat: 14-16 May – the perfect place to relax, retreat and rewind for busy women. A weekend of soul food, massage, workshops, gentle yoga and a luxurious outdoor spa, all set in a beautiful beachfront Kapiti location. Spaces filling fast so book now to avoid missing out. For more info go to
Cleaner Required: We live locally in Paraparaumu Beach and are seeking a reliable cleaner to clean our home for 2 hours every second Friday morning (fortnightly). We’re looking for someone who is trustworthy, dependable and hard working. We have a very friendly inside dog (non shedding). The rate is $25 per hour ($50 for the 2 hours) and we’d like someone to start on Friday, 23 April.
Please email your interest to: by Friday, 16 April. Please include mobile phone
Big Air Kapiti: Birthday parties and the April holiday programme are now open for bookings. Children LOVE learning how to Cartwheel, Round-off, Handspring and Flip at BIGAIR GYM Classes! BIGAIR’s GYMNASTICS, TUMBLING & FREE RUNNING classes are excellent for fun and fitness! We focus on safety, technique, fundamental skills, right through to more advanced skills. Book now for our APRIL School Holiday Programme – full day or half day sessions. Classes fill up fast, so don’t miss out! From Mon, 29 March book online for Term 2 gym classes at or contact us on 297 0400 or email: We cannot wait to see you in the gym!
The Sewing Clinic: Engage in creativity, learn new skills for life and enjoy the company of friends at one of our sewing classes. Classes for kids and adults during term time and school holidays at Lindale Village. Contact Penina at The Sewing Clinic facebook page or ph 021 252 5146.
2021 Wellington Marathon and the Heart Foundation: This year, show your big heart by taking part in the Gazley Volkswagen Wellington Marathon on Sunday, 27 June and at the same time, make your support go further by raising life-saving funds to fight NZ’s single biggest killer – heart disease. Walk, run (or a bit of both). Simply register for the event and enter the distance of your choice then create your fundraising page and spread the word. Register or find out more here
Crawshaw Music School: Providing high quality one-on-one private lessons from our premises at 6a Sheffield Street. All our teachers are experienced musicians in modern music. Book now – first lesson free. Email or ph 905 9317 to book a free trial lesson. See