Principal's Message
Kia Ora
It was wonderful to see some PBS families at the HOLI Festival of Colour on Saturday. It was a great sunny day, full of fun and laughter. Whilst I had put myself forward to be colour-bombed, I didn’t quite expect the gauntlet prepared for me. By the end of it I was unrecognisable, even to myself! These community events really bring people together, which I love.
On this note I hope we’ll see lots of parents at tonight’s Information Evening and next Friday’s Fun Run and early evening picnic.

Before I sign off today I just wanted to thank parents who have already paid their School Donations for 2021. If you haven’t done this yet, please know that at PBS school donations are well spent on curriculum items for your children. Every dollar makes a difference – so thank you in advance.
Ngā mihi,
Jess Ward – Tumuaki ~ Principal
PS – Term 2 date for your diary – School will be closed on Friday, 28 May for a staff only day
Welcome to Our Recent New Students
Violet Rm 26
Parent Education Evening Tonight (Tuesday)
If your child is in Years 3 – 8 this educational evening is for you! As our school moves away from reporting twice per year on paper, parents need to understand how they can utilize the Spotlight function and the @Schoolapp to track their child’s progress through the year.
Come along to our hall tonight (30 March) from 7pm to learn more about how to stay engaged with your child’s progress and work as they move from Year 3 – 8. The format of this evening is a 10-15 minute introduction, followed by stations around the hall for parents to wander at their own pace.
While the main thrust of this evening is on the use of Spotlight for student learning and reporting at Year 3-8, there will be stations on Cyber Safety, the @SchoolApp and more. As the majority of this evening is set up as stations to visit, after the initial introduction, parents can stay as long or short as they choose.
Can’t get a babysitter? We will be offering supervision for children in the school library.
Notice of Vacancy for Parent Rep on the Board
Kia ora PBS whānau
A vacancy has occurred on the PBS Board for an elected parent representative as a result of the recent resignation of a trustee.
The Board has decided to fill this vacancy by selection, which means we would love to hear from any parent/whānau member who is interested in joining our team. Further information about the process is available at
Please note: Even though the Board wishes to fill the vacancy by selection, if 10% or more of eligible voters on the school roll ask the Board, within 28 days of this notice being published, to hold a by-election to fill the vacancy, then a by-election will be held instead. If less than 10% of eligible voters request a by-election, the Board will confirm at the end of the 28-day notification period that the vacancy will be filled by a selection process. The Board will then explain how those interested in being considered for the role can apply.
The Board must select a person to be a trustee within six weeks of the end of the 28-day notification period. The Board will be seeking a trustee in line with the criteria set out in Schedule 23 clause 1 of the Education and Training Act 2020, including that the Board reflects the ethnic and socio-economic diversity of the student community, and the character of the community served by the school.
If you wish to request that a by-election occur, instead of a selection process, please send a request by 23 April 2021 to:
Zoe Pearson (Chairperson)
Board of Trustees, Paraparaumu Beach School
65 Gray Avenue, Paraparaumu Beach 5032
or email:
If you have further questions about the process or the role of a Board Trustee, please email Zoe at the email above, or leave a message with the school office.
Current trustees will also be available at the Parent Information Evening on Tuesday, 30 March 2021 to answer any questions about the role you might have.
Using Māori Language at Home
It’s important for all Kiwi to learn te reo. Each week our newsletter will include phrases that you might like to try out at your place. After all it will take the whole nation to keep this unique language alive.
Kei te pēhea te huarere i tēnei rā? How is the weather today?

Were Your Ears Burning?
Staff Gratitude Section
Special thanks to Vanessa Brewer who has put extra hours into helping to lead tonight’s parent education evening. When it comes to the Spotlight tool, Vanessa was an ‘early adopter’ and she has continued to support other staff with her knowledge in this area.
Thanks a million!
Kid's Quote
An astute student on camp realised that rewards were given out to those who struggled with the various activities, but persevered and completed them. He was overheard saying to a friend something along the lines of:
“Let’s act scared and do it and then we might get an extra dessert!”

Celebrating Student Work
Last week Levi from Rm 13 baked the most delicious peanut butter cookies. Some of the staff in the admin area were lucky to be chosen as taste testers and I think we all agreed how mouth-watering they were.
Yummo! Thanks Levi.
Peanut Butter Cookies Recipe
1 cup Crunchy Peanut Butter
1 egg
1 cup sugar
Combine all ingredients together. Spoon onto an oven tray and flatten slightly. Bake 175 degrees for 8-10 minutes. (Levi used only ½ cup sugar and the cookies were still yummy)!
Art Project - Ever Heard of Yarn Bombing?
You may have noticed that the tree next to the school Pou has died. Mr Trask tried to revive it to no avail. Rather than cutting it down completely, we thought we could use it as an ART INSTALLATION project, with the help of a little yarn bombing! What is ‘yarn bombing’? Yarn bombing (or yarnbombing) is a type of street art that uses colourful displays of knitted or crocheted yarn.
For this project we are asking for donations of colourful wool and knitting needles. We will also need parents or grandparents who can join us during lunchtimes next term to help students who are keen to learn to knit. Send donated wool or knitting needles to the office. Email if you’d like to be part of this project.

Movin' March
A big thank you to the Kapiti Coast District Council for getting behind our tamariki and providing all our students, who walked, scootered or biked to school, a free milo. This proved to be very popular amongst our tamariki with a constant flow of milo recipients. Thanks to all our staff who got behind this and made over 400 cups of milo within half an hour!

WOW Passport Competition
There is just one more week to go to fill in your WOW passports and go in the draw to win one of 12 $400 My Ride vouchers from the Greater Wellington Regional Council. Even if you live too far away to walk, why not drop your child at a destination closer to the school and allow them to walk, scooter or bike the remainder of the journey. The Greater Wellington Regional Council will accept WOW cards that have only half the stamps on for the remainder of this week.
Congratulations to last week’s passport draw winners: Ruby Blake, Benjamin Paton and Jessica Ellames – each winning a Movin’ March pack.

Fancy Feet and Wheels Day
This Thursday, 1 April, dress up your feet and wheels to display at our school parade at 9.30 am. There will be prizes for best-dressed feet and wheels and lots of spot prizes up for grabs for all those who participate.

School Picnic & Fun Run Night
Remember to save the date Friday, 9 April from 4.00-6.00pm. It will be an awesome day with lots of fun running activities to do like hurdles, skipping, bean bag challenge, sack jumping, a dance off, slip and slide, paper plane challenge, fear factor boxes and a photo booth.
You can bring your own food to eat on the night, but there will be lots of yummy things for you to purchase on the night as well such as sausage sizzle, the Hot Waffle food truck, ice cream spiders, juicees, candy floss, toffee apples, sherbert, fizzy drinks and water. So don’t forget your money.
We can’t wait to see you all there!
Lost Property
Lost property will be out on display (fine days only) by the tennis/netball courts next week and the last week of term.
Anything un-named or unclaimed will be sent to the Koha shed.
It's Easter in the Office!
Huge thanks to Paula in the office for her wonderful Easter decorations. You put a smile on everyone’s faces 🙂

DigiTech Corner
Although most social media has a minimum age of 13, a lot of kids start asking for it before they’re technically allowed to join. It’s important that kids know how to use social media in a considerate, kind, respectful and safe manner. We regularly remind our students that our PBS CREST values don’t stop at the school gate and can be applied to all areas of their life. Social media is no different.
Below is a great little comic to help educate your child about staying safe and being kind.
Further advice on the topic can be found on these sites.

Touch Rugby - 2020/21 Season
A big thank you to all our amazing coaches and managers for taking our touch teams this season. You have all been amazing.
So big thanks to: Mike, Shar, David, Wal, Aurelie, Caleb, Chantal, Shane W and Shane A, Bek, Cassie, Jacinta, Jordan, Carlene, Adam, Benji, Daphne, Jess, Paul, Sam, Jasmyn, Craig, Courtney, Tash, Kellie, Clare, Steve, Karen, Kylie, Otis and Jack.
Thank you also to the sideline helpers and supporters. You have helped make this season awesome!
Please remember to continue to send your registration forms to school.
Year 1/2 Netball
• Fees were to be paid by Thursday, 11 March
• Netball started on Wednesday, 17 March
Years 3-6 Netball
• Registrations need to be back to school by Wednesday, 31 March
• Fees are to be paid by Monday, 4 May
• Netball starts for Yr 3/4 on Monday, 10 May and for Yr 5/6 on Saturday, 8 May
Year 7/8 Netball
• Fees are to be paid by Monday, 4 May
• Netball starts on Saturday, 8 May
We are still looking for coaches for a number of teams at all levels. Also, we need an umpire for our Yr 7/8 Blazers team. If you can help, please contact Vicki Wilson on
Please remember to continue to send your registration froms to school. The season will start on:
• Tuesday, 4 May for Yr 7/8
• Wednesday, 5 May for Yr 5/6
• Sunday, 9 May for Yrs 1-4
• All registrations are to be back at school by Wednesday, 31 March
• Fees are to be paid by Monday, 4 May
We are looking for coaches for a number of teams. If you are able to help us, please contact Vicki Wilson on
Entertainment Book is Back
Support our school by purchasing your Entertainment Book now!

Last Week to order & Win
Order ezlunch for delivery tomorrow until Easter and be in to WIN! Party bags for your whole class including a $10 ezlunch voucher per child…. AND 10 cupcakes for the school office!
Every ezlunch order goes in the draw for a chance to win. Once chance per order! Maximum class number 35 for party packs. Promotion is running nationwide and is valid for one school only. No food items will be included in the party bags.