Newsletter 2021/02

Principal's Message

Hi Everyone

I hope you all enjoyed Waitangi Day yesterday – the weather certainly made the long weekend a nice one to be outdoors.  I was pleased to hear that Matariki, the Māori New Year, will be officially recognised from 2022 onwards, not because of an additional long weekend but because of its significance.  This recognition and celebration is long, long overdue.  

We’ve only been back at school such a short time but the generosity of people in our school community never fails to amaze me.  I’m so grateful for the way people share their time, resources and talents to add value to our school.  

As well as whānau donating money to our PBS Aroha fund (on KINDO) for families in need, we have had the Suri family & Terramark Ltd donate chromebooks, Kaz at One Agency give $500 towards students going to camp, a former PBS parent offer to help out with stationery costs, current parents volunteering their time to overhaul the sandpit (with our PTA) and school parent Tim Byrne demonstrate his portable planetarium (pictured) with some classes. This all goes to show that PAYING IT FORWARD is strong at Paraparaumu Beach School! On behalf of the kids – thank you, thank you, thank you!

With gratitude and community in mind, later in the year we are looking to establish a section of our school website dedicated to local businesses.  Currently we are fortunate to have local businesses who support our Skool Loop app like Stratford Electrical , SKids, A1 Homes and Spectrum Collision Repairs and many more.  Creating a business section on our website we hope to promote your work as you support us.   

Ngā mihi, 

Jess Ward – Tumuaki ~ Principal

Welcome to Our Recent New Students

Aaliyah Rm 28

Check Out Our New Website!

If you’re reading this newsletter you’re probably on the new website! Please take a few minutes to explore and share our site with others We hope that you’ll find this new site easy to navigate and locate information. Check out the calendar on our front page and use the various buttons to contact the school office.


Growth Mindset

“Growth Mindset” is an aspect of learning and life skills that we want to develop more at PBS. The Growth Mindset model, which is most predominant in education circles is the work of Dr Carol S. Dweck. Taking risks, developing resilience and coping with failure are all necessary life skills.
We don’t want kids to be discouraged by failure ,as it’s part of the learning journey. I know whenever I’m learning a new skill I have to remind myself “I’m not failing, I’m learning!” So how do we build resilient kids? Here’s some self-talk tips which help.


Were Your Ears Burning?

Staff Gratitude Section

Thank you to our amazing office team, Marie, Paula and Libby who managed our 20+ new students on the first day in a fast and efficient way. Their streamlined processes made all the difference. Thank you wonderful people!


Kid's Quote

Last week I visited a class of new entrants to say hi and explain who I am and what I do. One student said: “You tell off naughty people!” However I could happily inform them that most of the time I see awesome people, not naughty ones.  

I went on to say “Sometimes teachers send students over with great work so I can give them a certificate.”

One little girl was so excited by this prospect she said “I’m gonna faint!”

Jess Ward

Using Māori Language at Home

It’s important for all Kiwi to learn te reo.  Each week our newsletter will include phrases that you might like to try out at your place.  After all it will take the whole nation to keep this unique language alive. 

Kei te pēhea koe? How are you (to one person)


Community Notices

Please note—community notices are accepted on a “publication if space allows” basis (thus no guarantee of publication can be given) three times per term (start/middle/end); a small contribution of $10 to the school for short “business” notices is appreciated before publication. Finally and importantly, the publishing in the school newsletter of any community notice does not imply school sanctioning of, support for, or knowledge of the event or activity described.


Crawshaw Music School:  Providing high quality one-on-one private lessons from our premises at 6a Sheffield Street.  All our teachers are experienced musicians in modern music and are skilled at communicating their knowledge.  The instruments we currently offer are guitar, keyboard/piano, singing, drums, ukulele, bass, flute and band classes.  Email or ph 905 9317 to book a free trial lesson.

Skids Kenakena:  Specialising in delivering quality before school, after school and holiday programmes.  We strive to create a fun and safe environment that our kids just love.  Now taking bookings.  For more info please call Jools Da Silva on 021 0254 3249 or email

Bigair Gym KapitiI:  Classes start on 1 Feb offering GYMNASTICS, TUMBLING, RECREATIONAL & COMPETITIVE CHEERLEADING & FREE RUNNING (Parkour) Classes for Term 1! Children develop strength, flexibility, balance, proprioception, plus determination and self-confidence as they achieve new skills! We focus on safety, technique, fundamental skills, right through to more advanced skills, such as summersaults and twisting. To find out more or to book online for Term 1 classes, go to or email 




Hoop Club Kapiti:  Junior Basketball Coaching Programme for T1 2021 Sunday, 14 Feb-Sunday 11, April at Paraparaumu College Community Sportshall, Mazengarb Road, Paraparaumu.  9.30-10.30am 5-7yr olds; 10.30-11.30am 8-10yr olds; 11.30-12.30pm 11-17yr olds.  ALL NEW PLAYERS MOST WELCOME Contact Angelo Robinson on 904 0142 or 

 Hoop Club Kapiti:  Adult Open Run Scrimmages on Sunday afternoons; Open Run Adult Basketball Scrimmages Sundays 3.15-5.15pm at Paraparaumu College Community Sportshall, Mazengarb Road. Men & Women of all skill levels WELCOME. Contact – Lindsay on 027 619 4636 or for more info.

Kiwi Hoops Club:  Kapiti Basketball Association are running a Kiwi Hoops program for 5-13 year olds in term one commencing next Saturday 13 February at Paraparaumu College Community Gym. There are two sessions: 10am-11am for 5-9 years 11am-12noon for 10-13 years Players can register at or email for more information.


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