Principal's Message
Kia ora koutou,
The weekend’s rugby result was not the result Kiwis were hoping for. No doubt the referee’s decisions will be a topic of frustrating conversation for many years to come. However, I know our PBS South African families are pretty happy; well done to the Springboks.
Today’s newsletter is packed with useful information for our whānau, with a few highlights being:
- Te Motu Production’s “ NZ’s Top Survivor Island” is on this week! Don’t miss out on this very funny show.
We are already at Week 4 of our ten week term! So once again I strongly encourage you all to keep up your weekly readership of newsletters and school notices, so you don’t miss anything important.
Last week, teams selected from Year 5-8 students enjoyed participating in the EPro-8 challenge. Unfortunately we didn’t make it through to the finals this year, but the teams showed great teamwork and perseverance with the technology problem solving tasks. We looked defeat in the eye this time, held our heads high and said “Bring it on 2024!”
Ka kite ano,
Jess Ward
Principal ~ Tumuaki

Thank you to all families who supported our Scholastic Book Fair at PBS last week. It sounds like we have earned around 1400 points to buy more books for our own library. Kids also loved the visit from Clifford the Big Red Dog who was another well-behaved doggo on school grounds. Thanks to Kathryn Siversen for organising this fundraising event for PBS and helping to spread the love of literacy.
Sharing good news spreads positivity, changes attitudes and ultimately leads to more people feeling encouraged and happy
One of the truly wonderful things about being the Principal of PBS is the emails I get about cool things our students have done. Below is an excerpt which is truly heartwarming. The email is from the coach of our Mako Touch Team, it reads…
“I’d like to tell you a little tale of some amazing PBS kids and the manaakitanga they showed on the Touch field tonight. PBS Mako played another local team who were struggling to keep their hands on the ball. When I asked our kids to stand back and let them pass the ball, they did. When I asked them not to run up on the opposition, they did. When these actions still didn’t give the opposition the advantage one of our players volunteered to go on the opposition team to help them. But it didn’t stop there, one of our players wanted to give them a penalty try and the whole team agreed. I loved the team effort to help the opposition and to support others. Fantastic sportsmanship from this PBS team. They didn’t care about winning, they cared about fairness and supporting others.”
Wow – PBS kids really role model the values parents promote at home and staff promote at school. We are all so very proud of you!
Welcome to Our Recent New Students
Brooklyn – Rm 20 and Maribern – Rm 10
Have You Checked Out Our Community Notices Directory?
Do you need to advertise your business, an upcoming event, need child care, or looking for a gift or new club to join? Check out the PBS Community Directory on our website
Strategic Planning
Our strategic plan is currently being reviewed; we do this every three years to ensure our planning fits the needs of our students, staff and community.
Next month, the Board will review our current plan and set down a new strategic plan for the next three years. We want to know what is important to our school community as we go through this process. If you would like to contribute your ideas and comments, please click here to answer six quick questions. If you want to refer to our current strategic plan Click here to see our current strategic plan
PBS Board Outstanding Achiever Award Nominations
If you have a child in Years 5-8 you would have received an email recently regarding this award. Our Board is now seeking nominations for this year’s Outstanding Achiever Award.
The purpose of this award is to acknowledge students who have achieved at a very high level, and to promote these students as role models throughout our school community in a manner that reflects and incorporates our school CREST values. We encourage nominations from Years 5-8 students.
This award is made annually to students who attend the school and who during the previous 12 months have made an outstanding contribution (in-school or out-of-school) in areas of academic, cultural, sports, community service or other activities. Paraparaumu Beach School’s Board is keen to promote high achievement in a positive manner.
There is a link to the nomination form in the email or paper copies can be collected from the school office. Nominations close on 17 November.
Using Māori Language at Home
Learning another language provides many benefits including greater academic achievement, greater cognitive development, and more positive attitudes towards other languages and cultures. So, let’s give it a go and help to revitalise this unique language to Aotearoa for our tamariki. Each week our newsletter will include words or phrases that you might like to try out at your kāinga/home.
Here are some kupu you may hear in the classroom;
Pene rākau = pencil
Pene = pen
Tūru = chair
Tēpu = table
Pukapuka = book
Pēke = bag
Kūaha = door
Matapihi = window
Here are some simple instructions:
Katia ngā matapihi = close the windows
Whakatuwherahia te kūaha = open the door
Whakahokia ngā pukapuka = put back the books

Large Coffee Plungers
Does anyone have large coffee plungers at home that they no longer use? We are looking for a couple for our staff room and thought we’d ask first before heading to Briscoes. Every penny saved these days is a blessing.
Student Council
This week the Student Council added some playground painting for Tātahi Syndicate. Here’s some photos of them doing the mahi. Thank you Mr Trask for helping us to do this!

Lunch Time Disco
Friday, 24 November in Week 7 we’re holding a lunchtime Disco for Ngaru Syndicate (Years 3 & 4). Tickets will be $5 via Kindo and this includes an ice block, chippies, face painting, music and jump jam entertainment! Funds raised help us with our school projects.
Parent Voice Focus Group
Due to many competing commitments, the Parent Voice Focus Group will now take place in Term 1, 2024. Information regarding a variation of dates and times will be sent out in the new year. The Board looks forward to gathering your insight.
Te Motu Syndicate Production
Learn some New Zealand history the modern way – through reality television. Watch NZ’s Top Survivor Island
Te Motu Syndicate proudly presents the Senior Production for 2023 – “NZ’s Top Survivor Island”. This original show will be performed this week, Wednesday, 1st November at 1:00pm, and Thursday, 2nd November at 7pm in the PBS hall. Tickets are free, and are available from Rm 8.
Will your favourite contestant survive? Who will win the million dollar first prize? How many times will your host, Brock Starwell, say “Be a star New Zealand”? Don’t miss an episode!
PTA Grocery Grab
The PTA is selling Grocery Grab Raffles from 6.30pm on Thursday before the Year 7/8 Production. Please come and help support our school by purchasing a ticket for only $5.00 and you will be in for 1 of 3 chances to run around New World grabbing groceries, just in time for Christmas! Look for us outside the Library opposite the hall.
Help Needed Please
Thank you to the few families that have taken raffle books to sell. We really appreciate your help, and also to the one whānau that have offered to help sell the tickets outside New World. If you are able to help out on either of the two days below please come and see Sandy in Room 22 or email We would really appreciate it:
- Saturday, 11 November 1-4pm
- Saturday, 18 November 4-7pm
Alternatively if you would like to take a raffle book home to sell to your whanau and friends please also come and see Sandy.
A little incentive for you too – New World have kindly donated a $100 gift basket for the child that sells the most raffles.
Thanking you in anticipation.
PBS PTA Committee
Click on the link to read the full Terms & Conditions Grocery Grab Terms & Conditions.
Scholastic Book Fair
Thank you for supporting the Scholastic Book Fair. You helped to make it a huge success!
We have earned points that we can spend on fabulous resources for the school.
Future Student Achievements
If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to
Kindo - Term 4 Giveaway
We don’t want you to head out to the supermarket with this stormy weather to pick up lunch box supplies. Starting tonight we are launching an ezlunch promotion.
Order ezlunch for delivery between Tuesday 31 October and Friday 10 November to be in the draw to win one of three $50 Countdown/Woolworths vouchers. Every lunch order gets you a chance to win. Three vouchers, three winners!

T&C’s – Winners will be selected randomly and notified by phone or email. Every order has the chance to win a $50 voucher. Open to NZ residents with a myKindo account, at schools with a lunch service available between Tuesday 31 October & Friday 10 November 2023. Competition ends and will be drawn on Friday 10 November at 11am. No correspondence will be entered in to. *Vouchers may be exchanged for ezlunch credit if preferred.