Principal's Message
Hi Everyone
Where did week one go? This term is going to fly by so please, please, please keep up your weekly reading of our newsletter, otherwise you may miss some important information.
Today’s newsletter is packed with useful information for our whānau, with a few highlights being:
- Parent Voice Focus Group
- Book Fair – next week in the Hihi room (opposite the sandpit)
- Our PTA’s Grocery Grab!!
Upcoming dates:
- Next Monday is Labour Day – School is closed
- Friday, 27 October – World Teachers Day
Our new Government will bring change to education, which schools will have to navigate. As stated previously, unfortunately our education system has long been a political football which is not okay. Everytime there is a change in government, schools have been made to swing in the direction of the parties in power. Educators have long pleaded for a long term education plan which doesn’t have to change course every 3 – 6 years. I am sure, educators will continue to push for this.
Whilst there are many parts of National’s education policy which are already reflected in our programmes at PBS, there will be new aspects we need to consider and have time to adapt to. These will become evident once the parties making up our new government are finalised.
In the meantime, I will continue to keep abreast of changes and keep you informed.
Have a great week!
Jess Ward
Principal ~ Tumuaki
Sharing good news spreads positivity, changes attitudes and ultimately leads to more people feeling encouraged and happy
We have had an eager bunch of helpful students helping to move segments of the (second-hand) artificial turf. We are in the process of using this turf in spots around the school which need a little lift. Thanks team, we love your team spirit!

Welcome to Our Recent New Students
There were no new students this week
Have You Checked Out Our Community Notices Directory?
Do you need to advertise your business, an upcoming event, need child care, or looking for a gift or new club to join? Check out the PBS Community Directory on our website
Parent Voice Focus Group
The PBS Board is seeking parent voice in a couple of areas to help inform our procedures and ensure that our systems are meeting the needs of all stakeholders. The first topic relates to school communication and what sources you use or prefer. The second topic is around the use and functionality of the @school parent app.
The Board will be holding a Focus Group session on Wednesday, 1 November (week 4) in the staffroom from 3:30-5:30pm. If you would like to provide insight from your perspective, it would be greatly appreciated. Please email Sarah Chambers to register your attendance: Afternoon tea will be provided.
Cohort Entry Consultation - Submissions Close this Friday.
We value your feedback! Further to previous newsletter information, please click on the link Cohort Letter to read more about the proposed cohort entry for new entrants at PBS in 2024.
There is a link within the PDF to send in your feedback. Thank you.
Community Consultation - Health and Physical Education - Survey Closes this Friday
Thank you to the parents/caregivers who have responded to the Health and Physical Education survey that was emailed out to whānau September 29.
Health and Physical Education is one of 8 learning areas of the New Zealand Curriculum. Health and Physical Education is guided by 4 Strands, and 7 Key Learning areas and all schools in New Zealand are required to consult with their school community every two years about their Health and Physical Education programmes. We value your feedback as it informs our planning moving forward.
The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete and closes this Friday. Thank you for your time.
Class Requests
The process of putting class lists together for a new year is an extremely complex and time consuming task. There are many variables to consider, for example; equal class sizes, the gender balance in each class, the distribution of students with social/behaviour and learning needs, medical needs, splitting cousins/siblings, and so on.
In a small school there may only be one class at each level and therefore no opportunity to group students in different ways. In a school our size, whilst we do have the advantage of flexibility, the process takes time and consideration. I can assure you that we act professionally and thoughtfully when placing students in classes.
We ask that parents are understanding and supportive of the complexities involved.
At PBS we prefer that parents do not submit requests unless there are exceptional circumstances. If parents want us to consider any exceptional circumstances that their child may have in regards to class placement for next year, then the formal process below must be followed:
*Requests must specifically describe the exceptional circumstances around the child’s needs
*It is preferable that parents do not request a specific teacher by name
*Requests must be from the child’s parent/legal guardian
*Requests must be in writing to the Principal
*Requests must be received no later than Friday, 27 October
Whilst we allow parents to submit such requests, we do ask in return, that the final decision on class placement (whether or not a request has been met) is both respected and promoted positively by parents to their child.
Thank you.
Using Māori Language at Home
Learning another language provides many benefits including greater academic achievement, greater cognitive development, and more positive attitudes towards other languages and cultures. So, let’s give it a go and help to revitalise this unique language to Aotearoa for our tamariki. Each week our newsletter will include words or phrases that you might like to try out at your kāinga/home.
Māori phrases to use during shopping:
He aha tō pīrangi? – What would you like?
he kai – some food he inu – some drink
Hei pēnei mau? – Do you want something like this?
āe – Yes kāo – No
Hoatu tēnai ki te pēke – Put this in the bag
te rawhi – the basket te torore – the trolley
He aha atu anō? – What else?
he āporo – apple he parāoa – bread
Ka nui tēnā – That will do
For more kupu go to

Replacing Playground Matting
You may be wondering why we are uplifting and replacing some relatively new rubber matting around the playground outside the office? Unfortunately, a fault has been found in this product, causing it to break up. Matta Products Ltd are replacing it free of charge with another product.
Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair will be on next week in the Hihi Room (at the Room 5 end of the 5-8 block). There will be a fantastic range of books and stationery items available for sale before and after school. We will have EFTPOS.
There will be a salesperson available for 15 minutes after the morning bell in case you want to buy sneaky Christmas presents.
PTA Grocery Grab Raffle
The PTA is having a grocery grab raffle in Term 4. Click on the link to read the full Terms & Conditions Grocery Grab Terms & Conditions.

School Memories Photo Orders - Closing 18 October
Photo order forms for Yrs 0-2 students, Rm 16 students and sports/teams have been sent to classrooms.
Portrait and class photos can be previewed online before ordering; and team/group photos (where applicable) can be previewed online before ordering and also have a proof on the order form. Orders close tomorrow (18 October).
If you have lost your order code, please contact the office.
Touch Rugby
It is great to have so many PBS kids getting ready to play touch this season.
Touch Rugby starts this week:
- Tuesday for under 7 and under 8
- Wednesday for under 12 and under 14
- Thursday for under 10
You should have all heard from coaches. If you haven’t, you need to urgently let me know. Players should be wearing a PBS sports shirt. These are available to purchase through the office or on KINDO.
Please remember that Touch Rugby should be fun for all players, refs and coaches. Keep your comments positive and cheer for everyone. At PBS we encourage fair play and equal participation for everyone.
Teresa Robertson Room 16
Just a reminder to return your netball shirts or netball uniform if you are not still using them.
ANZ Future Ferns - Years 1 & 2
Term 4 – Wednesday, 1-29 November 2023
Star Helpers will be required, so please have a think if you can volunteer an hour of your time to help us out with this programme. The programme will run as follows:
- 4.00pm Start (first week will be 4-5pm as having introductions and full roll call)
- Warm Up
- Skills Session
- Netball Game
- Cool down
- Finish at 4.45pm
Registrations are open: and close Wednesday, 25 October.
Recent Student Achievements
U12 Girls Football: Congratulations to Anika Rehal who was an integral part of the Under-12 Girls’ Football Team, proudly representing New Zealand clubs. Their journey took them to Australia, where they participated in the Sydney International Cup. Anika and her team emerged as the champions of this prestigious championship. Their victory not only highlights their athletic prowess but also serves as a testament to the spirit of dedication and sportsmanship!

Recent Student Achievements
Cheerleading: Dakota Bell has been selected to compete at the Global Games Cheerleading Competition in Hawaii in May 2024. There were well over a hundred athletes who trialed to make one of the 2 teams attending this event (youth & senior teams). Congratulations!
Dakota is in the youth team and is also very lucky to have her aunty and former PBS student Chantelle Black also be selected but for the senior team.

Future Student Achievements
If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to