Principal's Message
Kia ora koutou
Just a quick note from me this week to say thank you for your support and understanding throughout the Teachers’ Collective Agreement negotiations. I’m pleased that they have settled, as we do not like causing disruption for parents and caregivers. Unfortunately, causing disruption is the only way to make the government sit up and listen, so again thank you for your patience and aroha.
I have been working at Paraparaumu Beach School for many years now and I can hand on heart say the reason I have stayed here is because of the people; the staff, the students and families. I am so proud of all my staff, they are dedicated professionals who really put in the hard mahi. Some schools struggle to appoint and retain great teachers, but at PBS there must be a little magic in the air!
Managing 20 – 30 young learners within four walls for 6 hours a day is a task in itself, let alone having to teach and assess them too. PBS Crew, thank you for all you do every day – your job is not easy and you are so appreciated!
Have a great week everyone.
Ka kite ano
Jess Ward
PS We had some great success at the Interschool cross country today. Full results will be published soon.
Today’s newsletter is packed with useful information for our whānau, with a few highlights being:
- Mid-year learning conferences
- Digi Corner – cyber safety filters
Upcoming dates for your calendar:
- Learning Conferences – Tuesday, 20 June – Make a booking and bring your child along (school closed for instruction)
- Celebrating Matariki -Tuesday, 27 June – Activities throughout the school day
Sharing good news spreads positivity, changes attitudes and ultimately leads to more people feeling encouraged and happy
Check out our leaf clean up crew below! You know your school caretaker is respected when kids constantly ask to do jobs for him and with him in their spare time. It’s also great for kids to be practicably involved in taking care of their own school environment. Thanks Mr Trask.

Welcome to Our Recent New Students
William – Rm 8
Gurfateh – Rm 19
Have You Checked Out Our Community Notices Directory?
Do you need to advertise your business, an upcoming event, need child care, or looking for a gift or new club to join? Check out the PBS Community Directory on our website
NEXT TUESDAY, 20 JUNE - Learning Conferences - Don’t Forget to Bring Your Child Along!
This year we are bringing our mid-year learning conferences forward, to hold them at the end of Term 2 rather than the start of Term 3. Our Board has granted us a Teacher-Only day to run these important conferences. This means parents will need to book in for an interview slot and bring their child/children along at that time. Normal teaching will not occur on this day. Please put this date in your diary and book yourselves in on on the Skool Loop App. Download the app now on Google Play or the App Store.
Please note that there has been a minor change to the instructions below – “Interviews” icon now shows as “Bookings”.
Ten minute conference time slots will go through the day until 6pm. Whilst we prefer face to face, zoom slots can be offered. Please note that there will not be time to raise complex social issues or confidential matters, but you can arrange a time to do this with your child’s teacher at another time by emailing them. Interview bookings will close at 3pm on Monday, 19 June.

Using Māori Language at Home

Delicious Hāngī for Sale!
Te Moana syndicate is fundraising for our camp in Term 4 by selling delicious hāngī. Grab the family a yummy dinner while helping to reduce the cost of camp for all Yr 5/6 students.
$15 each – Chicken, pork, lamb, potato, kumara, pumpkin and reka rawa stuffing!
Only 150 are available, so get in quick!!!
- Order on Kindo today
- Orders close Monday, 26 June at noon
- Pick up from the hall at approximately 5pm on Thursday, 29 June
- We will post on FB as this is being lifted
Postponement date if the weather is unfavourable TBC in Term 3.
Thanks to Bedlam and Bliss, Nuwave, SM Property Development and Pak n Save for their generous donations
Kid's Quote
Kids’ pronunciation of te reo is so much better today than it was when I first started teaching. When talking about Matariki one child proudly told their teacher…
“I taught mum and dad to say Maa Taa Ree Kee not Matter Ricky!”

Our School Crest Values
Our school values underpin all aspects of school life. We aim to refer to them on a daily basis and encourage our tamariki to continually strive to demonstrate them. Through consistent fostering of our CREST values, we’re creating a positive and safe environment where our tamariki can form lasting friendships, develop resilience and experience success.

Digi Corner
For your awareness – When PBS students are logged into their school Google profile, they are protected by three sets of cyber safety filters that we have in place here at school. Two of these filters also apply when students are at home on their school Google profile (the third does not, as it relates specifically to our school wifi). However, if your child has a personal Google profile set up on their chromebook and they log on to this when they are at home, then they are not protected by any filters unless you have installed some.
We strongly recommend that parents install cyber safety filters on all of their children’s devices. Information and links to a variety of quality filters can be found via the website below:
Additional cyber safety parent information can be found here:
From the Student Council

Lost Property
There are lots and lots of hoodies that need claiming from the Lost Property. It is available to view today by the tennis court. Thank you Nicki Jul for taking the time to display it all!

Year 8 Leavers Hoodies
Don’t forget that this is the last week for Year 8s to order leavers hoodies. Orders can be made via Kindo.
Found Scooter
Does anyone recognise this scooter? We are trying to ascertain if it belongs to a member of our school community. If it does, can you please contact the school office.

Future Student Achievements
If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to