Principal's Message
You’ll all recognise this week’s greeting from across the Tasman Sea. PBS has 7 kids from Australia or with Aussie heritage. I suppose I have a little Australian blood too as my great, great grandfather was born in Hobart, Tasmania. That might be a stretch though, as my great, great, great grandparents hopped off a ship in Tasmania (from Ireland) just in time for the birth, then later boarded another boat to NZ!
Our Learning Conferences seem like a while back now, but I have recently finished compiling all the feedback collected from parents, students and teachers. Overall the feedback was very positive and insightful. We have already started discussions around the things you’ve told us you want us to tweak or address with reporting.
The kids’ feedback was also great to read. Here are some of the things they told me:
• “I felt important!” (Yr 1-2)
• “I wanted to decorate the classroom with balloons (before parents came).” (Yr 1-2)
• “I felt like a teacher.” (Yr 1-2)
• “There wasn’t enough time for me to say everything.” (Yr 3-4)
• “I felt proud to show my work.” (Yr 3-4)
• “I liked showing mum everything I work hard for.” (Yr 3-4)
• “I liked that the kids lead the meeting, not the parents or the teachers.” (Yr 5-6)
• “It was a nice atmosphere, just a normal chat between teacher, parents, and child.” (Yr 5-6)
• “I liked that I got to feel proud of myself because of how well I have been doing at school.” (Yr 7- 8)
• “I liked being there to share my opinion.” (Yr 7-8)
• “I liked how we got to be involved and told and be in the loop.” (Yr 7-8)
• “I like how I could be there and know what they were talking about and that I could also talk.” (Yr 7-8)
• “I didn’t like the fact they were only 10 minutes long! That’s short in my opinion for something that can be so important.” (Yr 7-8)
• “I liked being able to show my parents my work, I also liked being part of the mysterious meetings… No longer do I have to be suspicious when my parents say, ‘ You did wonderful honey!’ ” (Yr 7-8)
• “I liked my parents coming to my class so they can learn what I need to work on and what I am good at.” (Yr 7-8)
Sharing good news spreads positivity, changes attitudes and ultimately leads to more people feeling encouraged and happy
Congratulations to former PBS student, Grace Steinmetz, who made her debut with the New Zealand Black Ferns over the weekend. The Black Ferns played in Adelaide, beating the Wallaroos 22-14 on the day. Today, Grace is also graduating from Canterbury University with a Law Degree and has already been admitted to the bar! Wow!
I just love seeing former students achieving their dreams and striving for goals. Great work Grace!
Have a great week!
Jess Ward
Tumuaki ~ Principal

Welcome to Our Recent New Students
Hamish – Rm 15
Have You Checked Out Our Community Notices Directory?
Do you need to advertise your business, an upcoming event, need childcare, or looking for a gift or new club to join etc? Check out the PBS Community Directory on our website
Below is an example of what you will find in the “Building” section:
Wellington Free Ambulance Onesie Appeal - Don't Forget!
Last term we gathered student voice around which charity we could support this year. There are so many deserving charities that could do with our help. Wellington Free Ambulance took out the majority vote. So, on Wednesday September 7, PBS will be supporting Onesie Day. We hope to raise some valuable funds for this essential service to our region by bringing along a gold coin donation. No onesie? All good, you could rock your pjs to show your support!
What is in the @school App?
Years 4 – 8
This is where a lot of the ‘magic’ takes place. Your child will have assigned learning objectives to work towards. This may be an independent learning activity, a group task or the whole class working together. Students can upload examples of their learning in a variety of ways, such as video recordings, photos, google docs etc. When the teacher has seen that your child has achieved success at the assigned goals they will mark them as achieved. Some goals take a short time and some can take a whole year depending on the tasks.
The Dashboard will look different for each student as the goals/WALTs are often personalised to the needs of the student. Teacher comments can be seen in the dashboard.
Kid's Quote
Another quote from the student feedback on Learning Conferences: Perhaps this kid’s quote is a sign of Covid times where parents haven’t been into school so much. Or perhaps this student was simply proud to have something for ‘show n tell’ 🙂
“I liked showing my teacher to my parents.”

Puppies at PBS
Our fostered puppies are teaching kids kindness, empathy and responsibility.

Using Māori Language at Home
It’s important for all Kiwi to learn te reo. Each week our newsletter will include phrases that you might like to try out at your place. After all, it will take the whole nation to keep this unique language alive.
Me hui tahi tāua. = I would like to meet with you.
Me haere tāua ki te tina? = Shall I meet you (one person) for lunch?
Āe, tekau ma rua karaka = Yes, 12 o’clock.

Personalised Artwork Calendars, Cards, Diaries, Mouse Mats, & Note Pads
Your children have produced some fabulous artwork which will be turned into 2023 calendars, cards, diaries, mouse mats, and notepads. They make perfect Christmas gifts and are great for sending overseas! They are a great record of your child’s talent this year! You will have by now received the order forms and should have viewed their art work. Please ask your teacher if you haven’t seen this.
Orders can be made via Kindo and return the form to the teacher OR Payment via cash returned to money box in office with the form.
Order forms and payment need to be returned before 9 September 2022.

PTA Fundraiser - Rock'n Bingo
Don’t forget to purchase your tickets for Rock’n Bingo before the end of the week. Payment can be made via Kindo by Friday, 2 September.

All our PBS teams wrapped up their hockey season this week, with some great final games including two PBS derby games for Years 5/6 and 7/8, and some fun kids v parents games on Sunday for the Year 1/2 and Year 3/4 players.
We had an end of season celebration on Friday to congratulate our players and thank all our awesome coaches, with hot chips sponsored by Appletree Designs and Capital Plumbing and Gas! We also said a very special thank you to two amazing ladies, Jo McCullagh and Rachel Steinmetz, who do an incredible amount of work to make PBS Hockey fun and successful every year.

Yummy Hot Chocolate
Yummy hot chcolates will be available at the hall on Tuesday mornings before school while stocks last! $2 each.

Touch Rugby
Information will come home today or tomorrow for 2022 touch rugby registrations. Please read the information carefully and return your completed forms by 16 September.
Yummy Stickers
Please collect your yummy stickers and send them to your child’s class or to Ginny Hawke in Rm2. The more stickers we collect the more sports gear we can purchase! This runs all through Term 3.

Future Student Achievements
If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to
Celebrate Dads this Father's Day!
Last week to win one of two $50 ‘Not Socks’ vouchers. Every lunch order gets you another chance. Not Socks vouchers are a great way to let Dad choose the fun gift that they like best.
Order ezlunch for delivery from Monday, 29 August – Friday, 2 September to be in the draw to win. Two vouchers, two winners!
The winners will be drawn on Friday, 2 September.
Children with Asthma
The Medical Research Institute of New Zealand (MRINZ) based in Wellington Hospital is currently running a study for children with asthma. See details below on how you can take part in the study.
For more information:
Our study website:
Telephone: +64 4 805 0244 /+64 4 805 0201 /+64 27 327 1191