Principal's Message
Kia Ora
Last week I joined a class of Year 5-6 students examining the nutritional information on food packs. All of Te Moana syndicate have a focus on Healthy Eating and I was surprised how much I learned in just one session. Our lives are so busy, it’s easy just to pop to the shop and pick up food items that appear simple to prepare – I know I do it all the time, without thinking!
However, when you stop and think, and take the time to dig a little deeper, it’s really quite frightening to discover what’s in our food. One simple thing the students were learning about was that the list of ingredients on a pack are always in a specific order; product rules stipulate that the ingredients are listed in order of predominance, with the ingredients used in the greatest quantities first through to the ingredients used the least. Therefore, if you buy an apple pie and apple is listed way down the list of ingredients you know there’s very little apple in it! It’s basic stuff, but very important for our students to be learning this at a young age.
Then there’s the Nutrition Information panel. To make things simple the Heart Foundation recommends choosing products that have less of the 3Ss (Saturated fat, sugar and sodium per 100grams). All we need now is for fresh produce to be cheaper to purchase than highly processed products, so we can all eat healthier.
I’m eating ‘camp food’ this week – so wish me luck!
Ngā mihi,
Jess Ward – Tumuaki ~ Principal
PS – Term 2 date for your diary – School will be closed on Friday, 28 May for a staff only day
Welcome to Our Recent New Students
There were no new students this week.
Upcoming Parent Education Evening
On the evening of Tuesday, 30 March from 7pm we will be holding a parent education evening – so please put this date in your calendar now.
The format of this evening is a 10-15 minute introduction, followed by stations around the hall for parents to wander around. While the main thrust of this evening is on the use of Spotlight for student learning and reporting at Years 3-8, there will be stations on Cyber Safety, the @SchoolApp and more. As the majority of this evening is set up as stations to visit, after the initial introduction, parents can stay as long or short as they choose.
Can’t get a babysitter? We will be offering supervision for children in the school library.
School Enrolment Scheme - Terms 3 & 4 New Entrant 5 Year Olds
If you have any children due to start school soon that you have not let us know about, or if you have friends or neighbours who don’t currently have a child at PBS, but may be hoping to enrol a new entrant child here in Terms 3 or 4, please ask them to contact our school office asap. Thank you.
‘Out of Zone’ applications for Terms 3 and 4 new entrants will be advertised in the Kapiti Observer on Thursday, 6 May.
Movin' March
We have had a fantastic response with children scooting, biking and walking to or from school. It is fantastic to see the reduction of traffic around the school, making it safer for all our tamariki. Congratulations to Amelia Qela, Gryphon Corlett and Lani Vertongen on winning the first school passport draw; all have received a Movin’ March pack. Continue walking, scooting and biking to or from school to ensure your child’s passport goes into the draw to win weekly Movin’ March packs, as well as to go in to win 1 of 12 x $400 My Ride vouchers at the end of the month with the Greater Wellington Regional Council.
Fancy Feet and Wheels Day
On 1 April, dress up your feet or wheels to show at our school parade. There will be lots of prizes for best-dressed feet and wheels and there will be spot prizes up for grabs for all those who participate.
Whānau Photo Competition
Post your pic and comment on the weekly theme and check out what whānau said last week on “what wonders or adventures your whānau experienced on the way to school”. Week 3’s theme will be posted Monday morning. Entries go in to WIN a family pass to Staglands Wildlife Reserve, Zealandia or a Micro Scooter. There are fifteen prizes to be won, announced by 9 April. Go to the Movin’March Facebook page for more details.
Art Challenge
Year 0-6 students can colour in Jack’s journey to school and create a wonder or adventure for him along the way. Age Categories: 5-6, 7-8, 9-10.

HOLI - Festival of Colour Fundraiser
On 27 March the Holi Festival of Colour is being held between 11am-2pm at Kapiti Primary School. This PBS fundraiser involves PBS kids being sponsored $20 to be part of the Colour Run with ALL proceeds returned to PBS to support camp fees for kids. The Principal will be involved too – so the community can Colour Bomb her at their leisure!
The sponsorship option has been loaded into KINDO for any age child to participate.
Kid's Quote
“If a fly is called a fly, then why don’t we call a fish a swim?”

Were Your Ears Burning?
Staff Gratitude Section
Thanks to John Trask for keeping our school pool so clean and inviting! What a bonus it is to have you overseeing this for us John – taking responsibility for chlorine levels and water quality so kids can enjoy a safe swimming experience.
Using Māori Language at Home
It’s important for all Kiwi to learn te reo. Each week our newsletter will include phrases that you might like to try out at your place. After all it will take a whole nation to keep this unique language alive.
He pai koe ki te pānui pukapuka! You’re good at reading!
You can swap out pānui pukapuka with something else that your child rocks at:
e.g. kankani = dancing
poiwhana = football/soccer
piana = piano

School Photos
School photos will be taking place in Week 9 on Tuesday, 30 March and Wednesday, 31 March for Years 3-8 students and the current touch rugby teams.
Tuesday: Ngaru (Year 3 & 4) & Te Moana (Year 5 & 6) classes and some of the junior touch teams
Wednesday: Room 5 & Te Motu (Year 7 & 8) classes and the older touch teams
Students in touch teams please have your school shirt available in your school bag on both days. The Tātahi syndicate (Year 1 & 2) will have their class photos taken later in the year.
See flyer below for instructions on how and when to order.

Helpers Needed For New Landscaping
We are looking for volunteers to help with planting and landscaping using the grant money kindly donated to us from the Stanjoy Trust. Also, if you are or know of a local landscaping business that may be interested in helping us, we would love to hear from you.
Please email for more details.
Sandpit Update
A massive shout out goes to Benji Phelps from iRoof Ltd who spent a lot of time on Saturday and Sunday completing the fence between the pool and sandpit. What a great effort and fantastic job. Also a huge thank you to Benji’s super helpers Richard and Emma – you all rock!
Please support Benji if you need any roofing completed around your house.
Please remember:
Year 1/2 Netball
• Fees were to be paid by Thursday, 11 March
• Netball starts on Wednesday, 17 March
Years 3-6 Netball
• Registrations need to be back to school by Wednesday, 14 April
• Fees are to be paid by Monday, 4 May
• Netball starts for Yr 3/4 on Monday, 10 May and for Yr 5/6 on Saturday, 8 May
Year 7/8 Netball
• Fees are to be paid by Monday, 4 May
• Netball starts on Saturday, 8 May
We are still looking for a coach and umpire for our Year 7/8 Blazers team. If you can help, please contact Vicki Wilson on
The season will start on:
• Tuesday, 4 May for Yr 7/8
• Wednesday, 5 May for Yr 5/6
• Sunday, 9 May for Yrs 1-4
• All registrations are to be back at school by Wednesday, 31 March
• Fees are to be paid by Monday, 4 May
If you are able to coach, please contact Vicki Wilson on
Digi Tech Corner
Digital Parenting Tip:
“Talk early, talk often” should be the first rule of digital parenting. Get out ahead of the big issues that face most parents raising a digital native by talking about common concerns matter-of-factly. Kids will make mistakes using media. Try to handle errors with empathy and turn a mistake into a teachable moment.
For more information visit:

Ezlunch Turns 10

The Developing Brain
Paekākāriki School is proud to announce that Nathan Wallis, the host of the documentary “All in the Mind”, and co-host of the TV Series “The Secret Life of Girls”, is coming to our community with his talk “The Developing Brain” at Coastlands Theatre on Monday, 22 March from 7.30-9pm. Tickets available at