"Together we are lifelong CREST learners"
Principal's Message
Kia ora Whānau,
One school term left!
I am so proud of all the achievements students have made during the last 10 weeks. I have seen so many examples of skilful writing, clever maths, fabulous art, wonderful reading, and feats of excellence in sporting events and academic competitions.
I have also witnessed lots of enthusiasm, active participation and kindness, as kids have participated in learning and school events with younger/older buddies, as syndicates and within whānau groups. The PBS Olympics event was just one example of the good times we’ve shared.
Staff, too, have made me proud with their dedication to ongoing professional development. This term staff have undertaken professional learning in mathematics, structured literacy, Te Tiriti o Waitangi, first aid and more. The quest for excellence, to do the utmost for students, to be up to date or ahead of the curve is evident within our PBS Staff.
Our parent community has given incredible support too; coaching, transporting, parent-helping and supporting our fundraising efforts all deserve our gratitude. The community’s donations of new and quality-used children’s clothes knocked me off my feet! This wonderful show of kindness enabled 18 PBS kids to receive some extra clothing, in a time when lots of families are stretched. Thank you on their behalf and mine.
Clearly, PBS is a great place to work, play, learn and belong.
Please keep reading! Today’s newsletter contains information about:
- Class requests process 2025
- Congratulations – Prezzy Card Prize draw
- Helping kids be in charge of their emotions
- Inclusive Parenting Network – if your child is neurodiverse you may want to read about this
Before I sign off, check out the initiative and creativity of the kids pictured below. This is how they chose to spend a wet lunch hour – setting up a portrait gallery! Don’t you just love that!

Ka kite anō
Jess Ward
Principal – Tumuaki
P.S. Got a suggestion? Let us know through our online suggestion box.
Upcoming dates for your awareness:
- Friday, 27 September – Whole School Assembly at 9.15am (weather dependent). Please join us !
- End of Term 3 – Friday, 27 September
- Start of Term 4 – Monday, 14 October
At PBS we champion our school C.R.E.S.T values in everything we do.
Curiosity. Respect. Excellence. Self Management. Teamwork
Recently I received a lovely email from the Deputy Principal of Kamo school, which I’ve decided to share with you. I really think this email highlights everything we strive to achieve with our CREST values and is a prime example of CREST in action.
To: jward@pbs.school.nz
Subject: AIMs Games 2024
I just wanted to reach out to say what an awesome bunch of girls your school had competing in the AIMs Games Hockey final. I am Deputy Principal in Whangarei at Kamo Primary and my daughter was in the Kamo Intermediate side that played Paraparaumu Beach in the final. What we saw, and what we heard from Paraparaumu Beach was awesome and the students obviously have a solid grounding and are amazing on and off the field, but it was the comments and the actions of the team after the final whistle that I think needs to be applauded. They were so gracious in defeat and showed what the AIMs game spirit should be.
We don’t often get to see or hear the great stuff that happens in education but this is one of those times that the teachers, coaches and schools should be proud of the students who represented their school.
Nga Mihi Nui
Welcome to Our Recent New Students
There were no new students this week
Have You Checked Out Our Community Notices Directory?
Do you need to advertise your business, an upcoming event, need child care, or looking for a gift or new club to join? Check out the PBS Community Directory on our website https://kapiti.pbs.school.nz/
Congratulations to Amy Huse! Amy’s name was drawn out of the prize draw set up for the Board’s PBS Parent & Caregiver Survey.
A $200 Prezzy Card is coming your way Amy!
Thanks again to everyone who gave us feedback via this survey.
Class Requests for 2025
The process of putting class lists together for a new year is an extremely complex and time consuming task. There are many variables to consider, for example; equal class sizes, the gender balance in each class, the distribution of students with social/behaviour and learning needs, medical needs, splitting cousins/siblings, and so on.
In a small school there may only be one class at each level and therefore no opportunity to group students in different ways. In a school our size, whilst we do have the advantage of flexibility, the process takes time and consideration. I can assure you that we act professionally and thoughtfully when placing students in classes.
We ask that parents are understanding and supportive of the complexities involved.
At PBS we prefer that parents do not submit requests unless there are exceptional circumstances. If parents want us to consider any exceptional circumstances that their child may have in regards to class placement for next year, then the formal process below must be followed:
*Requests must specifically describe the exceptional circumstances around the child’s needs
*It is preferable that parents do not request a specific teacher by name
*Requests must be from the child’s parent/legal guardian
*Requests must be in writing to the Principal jward@pbs.school.nz
*Requests must be received no later than Friday, 25 October
Whilst we allow parents to submit such requests, we do ask in return, that the final decision on class placement (whether or not a request has been met) is both respected and promoted positively by parents to their child.
Thank you.
Board - Term 3 in Review
As we wrap up Term 3, we wanted to share an update on the key areas of work that the School Board has been focusing on. It’s been a busy and productive time, and we’re pleased to highlight some of the important initiatives we’ve overseen:
- Oversaw the Parent, Staff and Student Surveys
- Review of financial procedures
- We continued to grow our understanding of the changes to the curriculum, which will start in 2025
- Continued to monitor progress on the three core components of the PBS strategic plan:
- Growing Community
- Building Resilience
- Achieving Personal Excellence
- Continued work on the Annual Plan evaluation and Te Ao Māori sub-committees
- Reviewed the reports for each syndicate
- Got to the final version of the 10-year property plan
- Selected our newest board member, Sam Chambers
- Reviewed the mid-year achievement data report
- Commenced succession planning for the next board elections in September 2025
As we head into Term 4 and the final stretch of the year, we’re excited to continue our work and finish the year strong.
Thank you for your ongoing support. We look forward to achieving even more together for the benefit of our PBS community.
Helping Kids be in Charge of Their Emotions
One thing we can share with our kids is that we have the ability to manage our own emotions. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed sometimes, but just like we practise brushing our teeth or healthy habits, we can practise taking control of our feelings. Research shows that our facial expressions don’t just show how we feel—they can actually change how we feel! This is called “facial feedback”, which means that something as simple as smiling can improve our mood.
The concept of ‘facial feedback’ is simple: our facial expressions can actually change how we feel. For example, when we smile, it not only shows that we’re happy, but it can also make us feel happier!
In other words, the way we move our faces can send signals to our brain that help create our emotions. So, smiling can help boost our mood, and frowning might bring us down.
Why not give it a try? Next time you or your child is feeling down, try smiling. Does it make you feel a bit better? Or notice your posture—does your mood improve if you’re sitting up straight instead of slumped? It’s a small change, but it can make a big difference.
Using the @School App
I will regularly highlight a button on the @school app:
The Blog is where a student has published a piece of work they wish to share with the family. The number in the red bubble shows you how many blog posts have been published but have not yet been read. If you have not yet checked this feature out have a look.
This is what you see when you push the button. At the top left you will see ‘select a blog’, this gives you the option to select ‘all’ your childs blogs (Yr 1 – Yr 8), their ‘junior’ blogs (Yr 1 – Yr 4) or their ‘senior’ blogs (Yr 5 – Yr 8). As this is a new function there may be students in Yrs 5 – 8 who do not have ‘junior blogs’.
The orange speech bubble is what your child wrote. The green speech bubble is what their teacher wrote and in the bottom right-hand corner is a speech bubble that allows a parent to comment as well. The button that says ‘open’ will take you to a photo.
If you have a child in Year 1 – Year 2 enter the @School app and look at the entries your child’s teacher has written in the ‘Blog’. If you haven’t already been to this area on the @School app now is the opportunity to do so.
Using Māori Language at Home
Learning another language provides many benefits including greater academic achievement, greater cognitive development, and more positive attitudes towards other languages and cultures. So, let’s give it a go and help to revitalise this unique language to Aotearoa for our tamariki. Each week our newsletter will include words or phrases that you might like to try out at your kāinga/home.
Here are some essential kupu that you may hear ia ra (everyday):
Kīwaha (idiom)
A super simple saying that you can use in your everyday conversations.
Wananei! (wicked)

Bucket Hats Term 4
Next term will hopefully be warm and sunny! In preparation for this students will need bucket hats. Bucket hats are worn during Terms 1 & 4 at PBS as part of our sun smart safety procedure. Please help your child locate their bucket hat over the school holidays so that they are ready to go for Term 4. Thank you.
Kid's Quote
In the medical room, a staff member asked a young student “What’s your last name?”
The student replied “I don’t know, my Mum and Dad didn’t tell me.”

Touch Rugby
Registrations closed 2 weeks ago. The school teams have been finalised, registered with the Kapiti Horowhenua Touch Association and the coaches have been confirmed and notified, as have the parents and students involved. Unfortunately, no further registrations will be accepted, but there is always next year!
A big thank you to the parents who have volunteered to coach teams. Details on the draw for next term will be communicated when it becomes available.
From the Student Council
Thank you so much for supporting our charity movie fundraisers. Tātahi and Te Motu syndicates had their lunchtime movies last week and this week Ngaru and Te Moana will have theirs.
We hope to be able to share how much we’ve all raised for Muscular Dystrophy NZ at Friday’s assembly.
Ngā mihi nui koutou!
Out of Zone Applications Open for 5 Year Old New Entrants
If you have any children due to start school soon that you have not let us know about, or if you have friends or neighbours who don’t currently have a child at PBS, but may be hoping to enrol a student here in Terms 1 or 2 2025, please ask them to contact our school office as soon as possible. Thank you.
“Out-of-zone” applications for Terms 1 and 2 2025 five year old new entrant students will be advertised in the Kapiti News this week.
Calendar Art - Fabulous Presents for Christmas
Have you ordered your calendars and diaries for 2025?
Orders close this week and MUST be returned to the school office regardless of payment method by 25 September. Thank you.

Join Us - Inclusive Whānau Network

Lost Property
Lost property will be on display by the netball courts on fine days this week. Anything unclaimed by the end of term will be sent to the Koha shed.

Recent Student Achievements

Recent Student Achievements
Hockey: It was a clean sweep of the MVP awards for PBS at the Kapiti Hockey Junior Prizegiving on Sunday. Corey Whitfield was awarded the Kayel Cup for the Most Outstanding Boy Player in Kapiti and Pheobe Corrin received the Kayal Cup for the Most Outstanding Girl Player in Kapiti. Both these players have had excellent seasons playing club hockey, alongside many other talented PBS hockey players. Phoebe was acknowledged for her solid defence and leadership, while Corey was also recognised for his skill, positive support
of teammates, and scoring 103 goals for his club team this season.

Future Student Achievements
If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to mbarfoote@pbs.school.nz
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