"Together we are lifelong CREST learners"
Principal's Message
Hello everyone
There are just 3 weeks left of Term 3 and lots still to pack in! I have been delighted to see lots of incredible student work recently, in fact my office window is jam-packed with certificates recognising kids’ achievements. On the sports-field too, PBS kids are performing with excellent results. What a lucky Princess-i-pal I am!
Are you in the draw for the $200 Prezzy Card? If not, you have until midnight tonight to complete the PBS Parent survey and get your name in the prize draw. Check your emails for the survey link.
But don’t stop reading just yet! Today’s newsletter contains information about:
- PBS Whānau Olympics
- Student Council’s Muscular Dystrophy fundraiser
Warm regards
Jess Ward
Principal – Tumuaki
P.S. Got a suggestion? Let us know through our online suggestion box.
Upcoming dates for your awareness:
- 16 – 20 September – Māori Language Week
At PBS we champion our school C.R.E.S.T values in everything we do.
Curiosity. Respect. Excellence. Self Management. Teamwork
Massive congratulations to students in PBS Galaxy and PBS Express netball teams, who both won their finals over the weekend; Netball Kāpiti Centre champions in the Year 5 and Year 6 grade levels – woohoo! Your teamwork inspires us all.
Whilst the Zespri Aims Games are still ongoing in Tauranga, we’re proud to report that Mia Thomson has taken out one of the early competitions, coming first in the Year 8 Girls Cross Country. What an amazing example of excellence and self management Mia!

Welcome to Our Recent New Students
There were no new students this week
Have You Checked Out Our Community Notices Directory?
Do you need to advertise your business, an upcoming event, need child care, or looking for a gift or new club to join? Check out the PBS Community Directory on our website https://kapiti.pbs.school.nz/
PBS Whānau Olympics
We had an amazing time this afternoon with our own PBS Olympics! Every child participated in the events, proudly wearing their Whānau Colours. The events included vortex, volleyball, “horse” riding and swimming (land event) to name a few. Needless to say we had lots of laughs!
Here are just a few photos, but more will be on our facebook page too.

Out of Zone Applications Open for 5 Year Old New Entrants
If you have any children due to start school soon that you have not let us know about, or if you have friends or neighbours who don’t currently have a child at PBS, but may be hoping to enrol a student here in Terms 1 or 2 2025, please ask them to contact our school office as soon as possible. Thank you.
“Out-of-zone” applications for Terms 1 and 2 2025 five year old new entrant students will be advertised in the Kapiti News later this month.
Using Māori Language at Home
Learning another language provides many benefits including greater academic achievement, greater cognitive development, and more positive attitudes towards other languages and cultures. So, let’s give it a go and help to revitalise this unique language to Aotearoa for our tamariki. Each week our newsletter will include words or phrases that you might like to try out at your kāinga/home.
Here are some essential kupu that you may hear ia ra (everyday)
Kīwaha (idiom)
Mīharo! Amazing!
Here is a video to help with the pronunciation of Mīharo

Using the @School App
I will regularly highlight a button on the @school app. This week it is:
This button takes you to our school’s Facebook page. This is where you find photos of events that have happened at PBS. We also post notices on our page as well.
From the Student Council
This term the charity we’ve chosen to support is Muscular Dystrophy New Zealand. This is because we have students and whānau within our school community who know first hand the impact of living with Muscular Dystrophy.
Muscular Dystrophy is the name of a group of conditions causing muscle weakness that gets worse over time. There’s no cure for Muscular Dystrophy, but there is treatment and support to help manage the condition.
We’ll be running a lunchtime movie for each syndicate in weeks 9 & 10. Please help us to help others by purchasing a movie ticket for only $5 (This includes popcorn, a drink and the movie). Tickets are available through KINDO.
- Tātahi’s lunchtime movie is Wednesday, 18 September
- Te Motu’s lunchtime movie is Friday, 20 September
- Te Moana’s lunchtime movie is Wednesday, 25 September
- Ngaru’s lunchtime movie is Thursday, 26 September

Mia's Gold at AIMS Games
Congratulations Mia on your win in the Year 8 Girls’ Cross Country at the AIMS Games!

Calendar Art - Fabulous Presents for Christmas
Have you ordered your calendars and diaries for 2025?
Orders close on Wednesday, 25 September so get your orders in asap. Order forms MUST be returned to the school office with correct cash or payment made through KINDO.
Now that the season has finished, a huge thank you to all who were involved especially the coaches, the managers, the spectators and the players of all teams. You all made us proud.
Now to netball housekeeping:
- Can all netball uniforms please be washed, dried and returned to school as soon as possible so they can be put back into storage.
- Coaches, if you have finished with your netball bag, please check the contents to ensure that everything is in there, especially the training bibs. Once you have sorted the bag please return to school. If there is anything missing please leave a note on the bag.
- 2024 Netball fees – there are still fees outstanding (amounting to nearly $800.00). This is money that we don’t have to put towards the replacement of missing training bibs, new game balls, the replacement of gear bags or the replacement of uniforms. If you haven’t yet paid, please contact the school office on 042985775 to arrange full payment or instalments.
Touch Rugby
Just a reminder that touch rugby registrations closed yesterday via KINDO. If you missed the cut off, please email Sarah Chambers schambers@pbs.school.nz
Recent Student Achievements
On Saturday, 7 September Griffin Gunawan, William Hamdan and Christopher Neves from Year 7/8 participated in the Kapiti Junior Chess Competition at Paraparaumu College representing PBS in the senior category. They had a few wins and collected some points together, but didn’t win the overall award. They had a great experience and made new friends along the way.

Future Student Achievements
If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to mbarfoote@pbs.school.nz
Join the PBS Whānau Rōpu