"Together we are lifelong CREST learners"
Principal's Message
Kia ora PBS whānau
I read a beautiful whakatauki recently that feels like it fits well with athletes competing in the Olympic Games.
“Ko te pae tawhiti whāia kia tata, ko te pae tata whakamaua kia tīna.”
Seek out the distant horizons and cherish those you achieve.
Many PBS kids aspire to achieve great sporting success too, as evidenced by the number of trophies our school wins each year. They are all excited to follow their favourite athletes and sporting endeavours throughout the games. Go New Zealand!
Please keep reading as today’s newsletter contains information about:
- Attendance numbers
- NetSafe information
Mā te wā,
Jess Ward
Principal – Tumuaki
Upcoming dates for your awareness:
- 12 – 16 August- NZ Maths Week
- 19 – 23 August – PBS Book Week and Book Fair
- Thursday, 5 September – Teacher only day (school closed for instruction)
- 16 – 20 September – Māori Language Week
At PBS we champion our school C.R.E.S.T values in everything we do.
Curiosity. Respect. Excellence. Self Management. Teamwork
The creative students of Room 16 worked together to make a fantastic range of masks. This work has spanned many weeks, starting at the end of Term 2. The final artworks show innovation and real talent. Ka pai!
Welcome to Our Recent New Students
Olivia – Rm 22
Have You Checked Out Our Community Notices Directory?
Do you need to advertise your business, an upcoming event, need child care, or looking for a gift or new club to join? Check out the PBS Community Directory on our website https://kapiti.pbs.school.nz/
Regular School Attendance
Is your child developing an irregular pattern of attendance?
I want to remind everyone how important regular school attendance is for our kids. I’m not talking about kids who are off sick, as we need them at home to recover. I’m referring to students who are developing highly irregular patterns of attendance. We are noticing a gradual slide occurring, which we hope to address by bringing it to your attention. Statistics show lower attendance often occurs on Mondays and Fridays, and so we are asking for your help and support in improving these numbers.
When it comes to academic achievement and wellbeing, school attendance really matters, and we’d love your help in getting our students back on track. If you need support on this front, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Jess Ward
Important Reminder - Reporting Absences
Our office admin team are spending a great deal of time each day chasing up children absent without any known reason. If your child is going to be absent from school, please remember to advise the office.
- If your child is sick, please advise the office daily
- If your child is going to be away from school for more than one day that you know of due to sickness, please advise all upcoming dates (this can easily be changed if the child comes back early)
- If your child is going to be late to school for any reason, please advise the office beforehand
- If your child is going to be away on holiday etc, please complete a Student Leave Form (available electronically on our website or hard copy at the office)
Reminder - PBS Board Notice of Vacancy for a Parent Representative
As previously advised, a casual vacancy has occurred on the PBS Board for an elected parent representative, as a result of the recent resignation of a trustee due to other commitments.
The Board has decided to fill this vacancy by selection.
Further information about the process is available at School Board Elections | Casual vacancies for elected board members
If you wish to request that a by-election occur, instead of a selection process, please
send a request by 2 August 2024 to:
Matt Hudson (Chairperson)
Board of Trustees, Paraparaumu Beach School,
65 Gray Avenue, Paraparaumu Beach 5032
If you have further questions about the process or the role of a Board Trustee:
Please email Matt at the email above, or leave a message with the school office.
Using the @School App
I will regularly highlight a button on the @school app. As we have new families at our school it is timely to remind you all about the settings button.
This button allows you to set up on your device:
Using Māori Language at Home
Learning another language provides many benefits including greater academic achievement, greater cognitive development, and more positive attitudes towards other languages and cultures. So, let’s give it a go and help to revitalise this unique language to Aotearoa for our tamariki. Each week our newsletter will include words or phrases that you might like to try out at your kāinga/home.
Here are some essential kupu that you may hear ia ra (everyday)
Te Reo Māori ki Parī 2024
Ngā Hākinakina (Sports)
Whutupōro Takiwhitu – Rugby Sevens
Poiwhana – Football
Kauhoe – Swimming
Haupoi – Hockey
Paihikara Maunga – Mountain Biking
Kaiaka – Athletics
Poitūkohu – Basketball
Poirewa Onepū – Beach Volleyball
Reti Ngaru – Surfing
Eke Hōiho – Equestrian
Kani Whatiwhati – Break Dancing
Tēnehi – Tennis
Eke Papareti – Skateboarding

Kid's Quote
Junior student…..“My birthday is next month and also in October!”
Sounds a bit crafty, if you ask me 🙂

Digi Corner
Netsafety Week
Netsafe are hosting Netsafety week this week to help provide practical tools and harm prevention support to enable New Zealanders to get the most benefit – and the least harm – while living their digital lives.
Click on the link to learn more about the online live events with experts and access to current cyber safety tips and information. Netsafe have a great resource bank tailored specifically for parents.

Webinar Series For Parents/ Caregivers
Growing Great Kids with Learning Differences
3 online seminar series. A comprehensive guide to supporting your child with learning differences & neurodiversity
- Understanding learning differences and difficulties
- Supporting your child with additional educational needs
- A multimodal approach – dealing with social, emotional, and behavioural difficulties.
Next course – Mondays 9, 16 and 23 September
Course cost $95.00 and includes 3 sessions, resources and a copy of The Wobbly Kids – Guide for Parents. More info and to register can be found here.
Last term PBS had a number of students (Yrs 5-8) take part in the regional schools’ chess tournaments. If your child would like to have a go at building their chess skills, Kapiti has a local club that meets on Tuesday evenings. Click here to learn more.
Quiz Night - Wednesday, 7 August
PBS Te Motu camp fundraiser in conjunction with Salty’s Diner is holding another fun quiz night on Wednesday, 7 August.
Limited tickets are available on a “first in first served” basis by contacting cherie.wood@A1homes.co.nz. Get your quiz team of 4-6 people ready to go!

Midweek Munchies - With a Twist!
TUESDAY treats will be on for the next five weeks. Delicious morning tea treats will be available outside senior classrooms every Tuesday morning. Everything 50c-$2.
Please support our kids going on camp!
Future Student Achievements
If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to mbarfoote@pbs.school.nz