Principal's Message
Hi Everyone!
I hope this newsletter finds you well. Please keep reading as today’s newsletter contains information about:
- Kapiti Interschool Swimming results
- Parenting Tips and Strategies workshop
- Hangi for sale!
- Vision Statement Feedback
- Empowering kids
As the nights get colder and the winter weather approaches it seems timely to consider packing an extra layer in your kid’s school bag. You can never be sure when the weather is likely to turn during the day, so it’s good to be prepared with a sweatshirt, beanie, or jacket.
If your child is one who loves to play outdoors, especially on the field, then an extra pair of sweatpants or socks may be a consideration for when they come back inside. Keeping warm certainly helps us fight the winter ills.
Kind regards
Jess Ward
Principal – Tumuaki
Upcoming dates for your awareness:
- Thursday, 16 May – Support Staff Day. Join us in showing appreciation for our teacher aides, office team, caretaker and cleaning team
- Friday, 24 May – Pink Shirt Day (more details soon)
- Long weekend: PBS is closed Friday, 31 May (Teacher Only Day) – Monday, 3 June (King’s Birthday). NB: The teacher only day on Friday, 31 May is for Paraparaumu Beach School, Kenakena School, Waikanae School, Kapakapanui School and Paraparaumu College as we are all undertaking professional learning together
Sharing good news spreads positivity, changes attitudes and ultimately leads to more people feeling encouraged and happy
It’s awesome to hear that PBS has 66 adults enrolled to take our Te Reo night classes, as provided through Kāuru Education. Classes started last week with lots of excitement. I think it’s so good for our kids to see that learning is for everyone; at PBS we are life-long learners! Ka rawe!
Kapiti Interschool Swimming Festival
This year, our Years 5 – 8 team made quite a splash at the Interschool Swimming Festival! Congratulations to all participants for your sportsmanship and for representing our school so brilliantly. You’ve made us proud! A big shout out to our swimmers who placed in the top positions.
Year 5 Boys:
• Nico Van Reenen: 1st in 25m backstroke and breaststroke
Year 5 Mixed Relay Team:
• Ema Katreve and Nico Van Reenen: 2nd in 4 x 25m freestyle
Year 6 Girls:
• Aki Townsend: 1st in 25m freestyle and breaststroke
• Madi Grant: 3rd in 25m freestyle
Year 8 Girls:
• Phoebe Corin: 2nd in 50m freestyle and backstroke
A big thank you to our parents who supported our swimmers by transporting and helping to manage the teams. Your support is truly appreciated!

Welcome to Our Recent New Students
Christopher – Rm 16
Sophie – Rm 14
Have You Checked Out Our Community Notices Directory?
Do you need to advertise your business, an upcoming event, need child care, or looking for a gift or new club to join? Check out the PBS Community Directory on our website
- This May, if you list an opportunity or business on our School community directory it will cost just $5. It’s super simple to do, takes 10 mins max and will help people get to know your work
- Opportunity and event listings are $5 and appear on the site for 60 days
- Or list your business or other offering for a whole year for just $5
- Or you can support us with a $20 donation
- You can pay securely by credit card on the site
- It will also help boost your online “signal” to search engines making your website more findable
Parenting Tips & Strategies (Free Workshop)
Our local cluster of schools is offering another free learning opportunity for parents. This time the focus is on strategies for positive parenting.
Come along to find out about:
– How to build strong relationships with your child
– How to encourage behaviour you want to see more of
– How to have effective communication between you and your tamariki
Date: Wednesday, 29 May
Time: 7-9pm
Presenter: Di Coleman & Beatrice Fisher
Facilitator: Sam Edwards
Venue: Paraparaumu College Te Manawa (Staffroom)
Registration Link
Matariki - Save the Date

Delicious Authentic Hāngi for Sale

Vision Statement Feedback
Thanks to all the parents, staff and kids who provided feedback to the Board on our school’s vision statement. The Board will use this feedback to finalise decisions in this area. Once again, thanks for the feedback; it’s valuable for us to hear your voice.
Empowering Kids
Over the term break I was fortunate to hear Dr Scott Kaufman, American Cognitive Scientist, author and Psychologist, speak. His talk got me thinking again about the need for Growth Mindset. Sometimes, kids can consciously or unconsciously create barriers to their own progress. Scott suggested a number of statements (some of which I have included below) which are helpful mantras:
- My reactions are within my control. “I have the power.”
- I have deep reserves of resiliency within me and I can handle difficult situations. “I’ve got this.”
- I am not a victim to my feelings- I can learn techniques to regulate my emotions. “I can learn how.”
- Yes, challenging things can happen in life, but these things should not define us. “I have hope.”
- I can learn from my life experiences to become better, stronger and wiser. “Watch me soar!”
Using the @school App
I will regularly highlight a button on the @school app. This week it is:
This is what this button allows you to set up on your device
Using Māori Language at Home
Learning another language provides many benefits including greater academic achievement, greater cognitive development, and more positive attitudes towards other languages and cultures. So, let’s give it a go and help to revitalise this unique language to Aotearoa for our tamariki. Each week our newsletter will include words or phrases that you might like to try out at your kāinga/home.
Here are some widely used kupu rāpoto (acronyms)
Whakamōhio mai – Let me know (LMK)
Kia wawe tonu – As soon as possible (ASAP)
Kia mōhio mai koe – For your information (FYI)
E aua hoki – I didn’t know (IDK)
Hei āpiti atu – By the way (BTW)
Ki a au nei – In my opinion (IMP)
Tē hāngai – Off topic (OT)
Kino te kati (KTK) – Laugh out loud (LOL)
Hemi Kelly – Everyday Māori 2024

Student Council
Next week the Student Council will be attending the National Young Leaders Day. We hope to share some of our learnings with the classes we’re representing on our return.
In Week 4 (May 20-24) the Student Council will be holding a CREST week of celebrations. We’re starting with a trivia quiz to inspire curiosity, we’ll be looking for random acts of kindness, there’s a design a poster competition, lunchtime games and we’re holding our PBS Pink Shirt Day on Friday, 24 May.
Goods, Services & Talent Donations Request
If you can help with any of the following, please contact Cath Franks or Alice Graham on the emails listed below.

Mid Week Munchies
Treat yourself to delicious home baking for morning tea starting next Wednesday, 15 May. Watch this space for more info!
Ordering School Photos
Class/sibling photos were taken towards the end of last term. Order envelopes have been sent home to all families. You can order online using the order code on your envelope.
The closing date for orders is 28 May. Please contact the office if you lose your order code.
Year 8 Leavers' Hoodies
Any Year 8 student wishing to buy a leavers’ hoodie can purchase them through KINDO. $58 includes their name or nickname printed on it.
Orders close Thursday, 23 May.
Recent Student Achievements
Football: Congratulations to Hosheia Wairua Bolton-Smithson and Sean Martin who have been selected by the Ricky Herbert Football Academy to represent the academy on two prestigious tours; Hosheia in the U12 tour to Christchurch and Sean who will be traveling to Victoria, Australia for the Sepparton Cup with the U13s. Both boys trailed at the RH3 National Camp in Hamilton in January to be eligible for selection to attend these tours. Congratulations to you both and all the best!

Future Student Achievements
If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to