Beach Cleanup

Last week, Room 3 walked down to the beach to do a big clean up. Because low tide wasn’t due until 11.15am, they went and picked up rubbish all around the carparks, picnic areas and shops, then they went to the beach to do a clean-up. They found that the majority of rubbish they picked up was around the shop businesses. Our beach was in pretty good condition, which is a great thing! The class and parent helpers spent around 30 minutes foraging for rubbish, only to find a small amount. Thanks to our local council for providing us with the necessary tools and the high vis jackets to get the job done! Each class in Te Moana syndicate has embarked on a beach clean up as part of their Inquiry unit. Great giving back to our community and protecting our environment, tamariki ma!

Rm 3 Beach Cleaners