Principal's Message
Kia ora koutou
Today’s newsletter contains information about:
- School lunches which feed the mind and body
- Changes to the Board
- Te reo night classes
- Parents on the sidelines of sporting events
Firstly, don’t forget that school finishes at 1pm this Thursday as our teachers have a paid union meeting to attend. Then on Friday school is closed for the long Easter weekend. The Easter break for all New Zealand schools is five days long – so we are closed Friday 29th, Monday, 1 April and Tuesday, 2nd April.
School lunches
The words “School lunches” probably make parents want to say ugh! It’s just another thing to organise in your busy schedule, right? But what your child eats really matters for the wellbeing, physical and mental energy. Kids may want fancy items in their lunch boxes, but typically these are the food snacks that make kids sluggish and lacking in nutrition.
Over the last few weeks some of our classes have been collecting rubbish as part of their learning to care for the environment. PBS is a pretty tidy place, but it has been interesting to note just how much highly processed food PBS kids are eating. We understand, it’s hard when these items are so convenient and may even appear cheaper than the healthier options. However, for good nutrition and brain development you can’t overlook fruits, vegetables, yoghurt and a fresh homemade sandwich.
So don’t give in to what your kids are pestering you for or demanding when it comes to lunches – you know what’s best. Here’s some kids lunch box ideas from New World (who supply our lunch ordering service).
Before I sign off, I am on leave for the last two weeks of this term. I am using the Wellbeing and Professional Development funds awarded to all primary principals (in our last collective agreement negotiations) to attend two overseas conferences; one on Educational Leadership and the second on AI in Education.
Sarah Chambers will be Acting Principal during these two weeks. I know the school is in capable hands. I will see you again in Term 2.
Ngā mihi nui
Jess Ward
Principal – Tumuaki
Upcoming dates for your awareness:
- Teacher’s Paid Union Meeting – school closes at 1pm this Thursday
- EASTER BREAK – school closed Friday, 29 March – Tuesday, 2 April. Back to school Wednesday, 3 April.
- Friday, 5 April Fancy Feet and Wheels Day Parade
Friday, 12 April – Last day of Term 2 – School Assembly is at 9.15am – Come join us!
Sharing good news spreads positivity, changes attitudes and ultimately leads to more people feeling encouraged and happy
Congratulations to this year’s PBS Student Councillors!
Tom Johnstone, Pranav Nayanar, Alex Martin, Juvan Scholtz, Charlie Hanna, Mia Thomson, Ruby Graham, Sienna Carter, Phoebe Corin, Violet Miratana, Holly McCullagh, Peyton McGarry-Paku, Charlotte Stephens and Ruby Blake.
We’re looking forward to seeing you all shine in this leadership role.

Welcome to Our Recent New Students
There were no new students this week
Have You Checked Out Our Community Notices Directory?
Do you need to advertise your business, an upcoming event, need child care, or looking for a gift or new club to join? Check out the PBS Community Directory on our website
Changes to the Board
You will be aware that we are currently undertaking a process to bring new members to the Board. PBS has always been very fortunate to attract Boards of incredible calibre; parent and staff reps who are hard-working, show integrity, rigour, interest and kindness.
So with that being said, I wish to thank our departing member, Kate Fiske, for all her mahi over the past 5+ years. Kate has sensibly realised that she has got too much on her plate right now, so is stepping down from the Board. We want to thank Kate in particular for guiding our strategic planning and evaluation over the years – your help has been top notch!
Additionally, our amazing Board Chair, Zoe Pearson, is staying on the board but stepping back from the chairing position. Zoe’s youngest child leaves PBS at the end of the year, so Zoe felt it was time to give someone else a turn of the reins and be a ‘guide on the side’. So from Term 2, Matt Hudson, will take over as our Chair. Like Zoe, Matt will be great in this role and well supported by the rest of the board too.
****Fancy Feet & Wheels****
To celebrate the end of Movin’ March, we will have our Fancy Feet and Wheels Parade at school next Friday, 5 April.
Decorate your bike, scooter and feet, take part in the parade and win great spot prizes.
Easter Weekend is the perfect opportunity to get your decorations and costume sorted!
Te Reo Māori Night Classes Be in Quick!
We are delighted to let you know that Paraparaumu Beach School will be hosting Te Reo Māori night classes for adults again this year! These Kāuru Education evening classes were so popular last year, we can’t wait to start up again.
Even better news…this year we are offering three separate classes (Level 1, 2 and 3). Classes will take place on Wednesday nights at school (starting in Term 2) and each are limited to 30 people, so get in quick!
Timing: Wednesdays at PBS from 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Programme duration: 20 weeks (two hours each week)
To Register: Click on this link (Yes we are aware it says “Paraparaumu School” not “Paraparaumu Beach School” but this is the right form)
Registration closes 22 April.
Using the @school App
I will regularly highlight a button on the @school app. This week it is
This button takes you to our school’s Facebook page. This is where you find photos of events that have happened at PBS. We also post notices on our page as well.
Parent Voice Survey
Thank you to the parents who took part in our face to face focus groups around communication channels and the @school app. We are following this up by sending out an online survey for those parents who were unable to make the focus group.
You will receive an email with the survey link in the coming days. If you have a spare 5 minutes, we’d appreciate your feedback.
Using Māori Language at Home
Learning another language provides many benefits including greater academic achievement, greater cognitive development, and more positive attitudes towards other languages and cultures. So, let’s give it a go and help to revitalise this unique language to Aotearoa for our tamariki. Each week our newsletter will include words or phrases that you might like to try out at your kāinga/home.
I saw this on Everday Māori (Instagram, Hemi Kelly) and thought about how appropriate these kupu are for us at PBS.

CREST - Our School Values
At Paraparaumu Beach School we believe that positive relationships between all members of our community is at the heart of a happy, safe and healthy school. This promotes well being and success for all.
Our school values are the foundation for enabling positive relationships. They reflect what is important to us as a school community, and foster a secure and supportive environment where our tamariki can learn and thrive. Through our CREST values students develop respect for themselves, others and their surroundings, promoting resilience and collaboration, all of which are important life skills.
Over the past weeks we have been sharing what each of our school values are. This week the focus is on the T in CREST which stands for Team-Work.
Team-Work Mahi Tahi
We work together through positive relationships. We participate, contribute and communicate as collaborative, co-operative team members.
Kid's Quote
It must be nearly Easter…. “This bun is not hot or cross!”

Parents on the Sidelines
We are thankful that PBS students are super active kids, who love getting involved in a range of sporting pursuits. We are also fortunate that lots of our parents, grandparents and wider whānau support their kids in these pursuits, showing up and cheering on the sideline.
However, when games don’t go in our favour please remember adults need to be role models for kids – that’s why we say that in our school community that the CREST values are for everyone to use. If there are issues, defer to the ref and their decisions; this is one of the ways to teach good sportsmanship. If you have an issue, it’s ok to be assertive but never aggressive.
Our behaviour, as a collective, reflects on our school and what we stand for.
Thank you – Jess Ward
Traffic Issues
As the term has progressed our teachers on road patrol duty have seen an increase of bad driving, walking and cycling behaviour around our school.
One of the main issues is people parking in the school clearway and on the yellow lines. Our clearway is on the western side (beach side) of Gray Ave from Number 49 to our School gate. This operates between 8.30am – 9.30am and then 2.30pm – 3.30pm, Monday to Friday. This clearway has signage along it to inform you. Parking here can occur a $60 fine.
The other is drivers parking and leaving their vehicle in our drop off zones. We have two drop off zones, one on the western side (beach side) of the road, this is outside our school hall to 67 Gray Ave. The other is on the eastern (hill side) of the road in front of numbers 60 and 62 Gray Ave. These drop and go zones are also sign posted.
Another issue is drivers parking on yellow lines. There are yellow lines in front of the drop and go zone. It is fine to wait for the car to leave but once someone gets out of your car it is seen as you have parked and this can occur a $60 infringement fine.
Finally, please do not do U turns in our neighbours driveways. This can be a dangerous manouvere when it is busy in the mornings. It is also inconsiderate to other road users, including pedestrians.
PBS Prizegiving Awards
Over the years PBS has been gifted a number of cups/trophies from departing student families or staff members. A list of these, along with our standard school awards that are presented at the end of each school year, can now be found on our school website. The presentation of these awards takes place either during our final whole school assembly or at senior prizegiving.
The award recipients are determined according to the stated criteria for each award and our school CREST values are an important part of the overall criteria. The judgements are made by those individuals best placed in relation to what the award is for e.g. classroom teachers, senior management or coaches. Occasionally certain awards may not be presented due to event’s/opportunities not being held or students not meeting the award criteria.
For further details please click here PBS Prize Giving Awards & Criteria.
Class Photos - Today and Tomorrow
Class, individual and sibling photos are being taken today and Wednesday.
Tuesday: Ngaru Syndicate (Years 3 & 4), Te Moana Syndicate (Years 5 & 6)
Wednesday: Tātahi Syndicate (Years 1 & 2), Te Motu Syndicate (Years 7 & 8)
Please note: School sport teams and group photos are no longer being taken by the professional photographers due to low purchasing orders over the last few years. Instead we suggest parents/caregivers/coaches take a team photo at the end of your child’s sporting season in order to capture the moment.

Out of Zone Applications Second Half of 2024 - Applications Open
If you have any children due to start school soon that you have not let us know about, or if you have friends or neighbours who don’t currently have a child at PBS, but may be hoping to enrol a Year 0/1 student here in Terms 3 or 4 2024, please ask them to contact our school office asap. Thank you.
“Out of Zone” applications for Terms 3 and 4 Yr 0/1 students will be advertised in the Kapiti Observer this Thursday.
Applications close at 12 noon on Monday, 6 May.
Yr 7/8 Camp Fundraising 2025
Madagascar Raffle Ticket Winner
Congratulations to Mitchell Wells from Rm 12 who won the Madgascar raffle tickets. We hope you enjoy the live musical show in Wellington in the holidays.
Delivery of Delicious Dough Boys Hot Cross Buns
If you ordered hot cross buns, they are being delivered today.
Collection is from Rm 29 from 2.45pm and is to be collected by the person who put the order through KINDO please. They will deliver to you from there.
School vs School Touch Tournament
Thank you to the coaches, players, referees and parents that got in behind this fun day of touch rugby. Congratulations to all the teams. There were some fantastic close games to watch.
Special congratulations to PBS Pango coached by Daphne and Adam Thomson for taking out first place in the under 10 age
group. Also to PBS Taniwha coached by Ian O’Halloran and Clare Pringle, taking second place in the under 12 age group.
That wraps up another awesome season of touch rugby. See you all later in the year for the new one.
Some team photos to enjoy below:

Please continue to return Netball Registration forms for students in Years 3-6. They need to be back at school by Thursday, 4 April.
We are also looking for netball coaches and umpires. Without either of these we cannot enter teams into the Kapiti Netball Centre competition. If you are interested in coaching/umpiring please contact
Vicki Wilson
Hockey 2024
Registrations are now open for school hockey for the winter season. Hockey is a super fun and inclusive game, and we can take registrations from players with any level of experience, and from Years 1-8. All games are at the Kapiti Turf at Mazengarb Park.
More details can be found in the Google Form at this link:
Please contact Caty Spencer on if you have any questions about school hockey.
Movin' March
Thanks to all our awesome PBS families for a great Movin’ March this year! All passports will be sent into the main Wellington draw for great prizes including a bike voucher.
Recent Student Achievements
Sailing: Recently Amy Summers represented PBS in the 2024 Wellington School’s Sailing Regatta. She came 1st in the Intermediate School’s Open Skiff fleet and 2nd overall out of all year levels. Well done!

Future Student Achievements
If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to
Entertainment Fundraising
We’re Fundraising with Entertainment and right now you can bag a free Membership upgrade when you purchase a Membership in support of our cause. For as little as $69.99, A Multi City Membership to The Entertainment App gives you access to thousands of exclusive offers in 20 cities for restaurants, cafes, attractions and more, with the average family saving upwards of $1000 a year! And the best part? 20% of your Membership cost will be donated to us to directly support our fundraising cause. Thank you for your on-going support!
Order Here

Win a $50 Voucher of Your Choice - 4 Available
As we gear up for another school holiday break, we’re thrilled to announce our giveaway of four $50 school holiday vouchers! Four lucky winners will have the chance to choose a voucher for a fun-filled family activity during the upcoming school holidays. So, whether you’re dreaming of a day at the zoo, an adventure at a theme park, or a cozy movie night in, we’ve got you covered. Or…. we can top up your mykindo account if you would prefer to put the money towards term two lunches.
T&C’s apply. Every order goes in the draw. Four chances to win per order. Competition open to all New Zealand myKindo account holders. Competition closes and winners will be drawn at 11am on Friday, 12 April 2024. No adult only gift vouchers permitted. No correspondence will be entered into.