Acting Principal's Message
Kia ora koutou,
Today’s newsletter is packed with useful information for our whānau, with a few highlights being:
- Information about the second round of school photos
- An update on when the school office will return to the Administration block
- Rail safety awareness week
Yesterday we had Tania from Healthy Active Learning running some sessions with our Ngaru tamariki. Healthy Active Learning is a joint government initiative between Sport NZ, Ministry of Health, Te Whatu Ora | Health New Zealand, and the Ministry of Education to improve the wellbeing of tamariki and rangatahi through healthy eating and drinking and quality physical activity. PBS students have thoroughly enjoyed these sessions and our teachers have been inspired by the different approaches and varied activities.
Earlier in the year Massey University evaluators conducted a survey across some of our classes, their whānau and a sample group of teachers. Some of the findings from this were:
- 86% of whānau surveyed agreed that their child uses skills and attitudes gained from participating in physical activity
- 88% of students surveyed agreed that there are lots of things they can play with to make up games at lunchtime
- 77% of whānau agreed that healthy food and drinks were promoted at PBS
- 100% of teachers surveyed agreed that their school sees physical activity as a key part of student wellbeing
- 74% of PBS students surveyed recognise that physical activity is good for them
Te Moana syndicate was visited by New Zealand illustrator Isobel Joy Te Aho-White, last week. Isobel has worked with authors such as Witi Ihimaera and Miriama Kamo on a variety of books. Isobel loves superheroes so helped Te Moana students to imagine and draw their very own superhero. She then answered many questions and talked through her creative process. This was an awesome experience that sparked curiosity and has inspired many of our tamariki to want to become illustrators.
Our office team are hoping to be fully back up and running in the Admin block from Monday next week, with transitioning starting this week.
Fencing will start going up next week around Rooms 28 & 29 as the builders set up their worksite. It’s important that everyone adheres to the safety rules and measures during the duration of the build.
Please reach out to your child’s class teacher if you have any questions regarding the learning programme or learning progress. This can be done face to face, via email, the @school app or Seesaw for our junior classes.
Have a great week everyone!
Noho ora mai rā, nā
Sarah Chambers
Acting Principal
Upcoming dates for your calendar:
- Tuesday, 15 & Wednesday, 16 August – Tātahi Class photos & Portraits (Year 1-2, Rm 16), sports teams and extra curricular groups
- Monday, 21 August – Tātahi Little Dog Barking Show
- Tuesday, 29 August – Senior Winter Tournament 9am -3pm, Epro8 Internal Event Year 5 & 6
- Wednesday, 30 August – Epro8 Internal Event Year 7 & 8
Sharing good news spreads positivity, changes attitudes and ultimately leads to more people feeling encouraged and happy
Phoenix and Max proudly demonstrated their electronic circuit learning by using their Makey Makey kit to create a joystick. The characters/players on the screen of their chromebook were playing football and through their circuit they could direct the players to score goals.

Welcome to Our Recent New Students
Pranav – Rm 4
Have You Checked Out Our Community Notices Directory?
Do you need to advertise your business, an upcoming event, need child care, or looking for a gift or new club to join? Check out the PBS Community Directory on our website
School Gates
During the school day, from 9am-3pm, it is very important that our school gates remain closed. When entering or leaving the school grounds during these hours, please make sure that you close the gates behind you. This is a safety measure for our newest little PBS students who are still learning to navigate the playground and familiarise themselves with the environment. Thank you.
Using Māori Language at Home
Learning another language provides many benefits including greater academic achievement, greater cognitive development, and more positive attitudes towards other languages and cultures. So, let’s give it a go and help to revitalise this unique language to Aotearoa for our tamariki. Each week our newsletter will include words or phrases that you might like to try out at your kāinga/home.
Cheer on your team in te reo
Papa tākaro – Sports field/Court
Taiwhanga hākinakina – Stadium
Kēmu – Game
Kapa – Team
Kaitākaro – Player
Kaiwhakaako – Coach
Kaiwawao – Referee
Poiwhana/Poikiri – Soccer
Putupōro/Hutupōro – Rugby
Rīki – Rugby League
Netipōro/Poitarawhiti – Netball
Hōki/Haki – Hockey
E oma! – Run!
E tere! – Quickly!
Maranga! – Get up!
Titiro – Look
Kia manawanui – Hang in there
Kia toa! – Be determined!
Ka mau te wehi! That’s outstanding!
Kia kaha ake e kare mā – Let’s go team

@ School App
For your awareness, this app has been updated and our parent community accessing the @school app will need to refresh it.
Here are the instructions from eTAP:
For android users they will need to click refresh, new content available that appears on the bottom left of their screen when they log in.
For apple they will need to click the Update option on the top right. Refer to the screenshot for guidance.
Rail Safety Week
This week is Rail Safety Week and KiwiRail and TrackSAFE are urging people to be like Steely Stan – and take a good hard look for trains when approaching any rail level crossing.
As part of Rail Safety Week 2023, role model Steely Stan will champion taking a good look to both the left and the right before crossing, with the campaign phrase, ‘Steely Stare. Steely Stare. All clear’.

School Photos - 15 & 16 August
School photos will be taken on these dates for Year 1 and Year 2 students, Room 16, Netball, Dance, Hockey, Basketball, Kapa Haka, Sports Ambassadors, Student Councillors, Road Patrollers, Band, 48Hour Film Crew. Family/sibling order forms were sent home last week. You do not order your child’s portrait/class photo until AFTER photo day.
See below for further details on ordering.

Midweek Munchies

Term Dates for 2024
The following term dates have been set for the 2024 school year:
Term 1 (11 Weeks)
Thurs, 1 February – Fri, 12 April
Tues, 6 February – Waitangi Day
Fri, 29 March – Good Friday
Mon, 1 April – Easter Monday
Tues, 2 April – Easter Tuesday
Term 2 (10 Weeks)
Mon, 29 April – Fri, 5 July
Mon, 3 June – Kings Birthday
Fri, 28 June – Matariki
Term 3 (10 Weeks)
Mon, 22 July – Fri, 27 September
Term 4 (9 Weeks)
Mon, 14 October – Tues, 17 December
Mon, 28 October – Labour Day
Touch Rugby 2023
The AGM for the Kapiti Junior Touch Association is on Sunday, 3 October at 2pm. The committee needs several positions filled as the chairperson, secretary, and ref coordinator are all standing down.
If you have a passion for kids sport and are willing to get involved, come along to the meeting or email: It is also a great time to start thinking about coaching our own PBS teams.
More information about the season will come out after the AGM.
Recent Student Achievements
Cheerleading: Congratulations to Dakota Bell who competed at Battle in the Bay in Tauranga in the weekend. She placed 2nd for her duo and 3rd for her team (Revolution).

Future Student Achievements
If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to