Newsletter 2023/20

Acting Principal's Message

Kia ora koutou, nau mai hoki mai, welcome back.

Today’s newsletter is packed with useful information for our whānau, with a few highlights being

  • Important dates to be aware of for the start of Term 3
  • Information about the Community Pharmacy Minor Ailments Service
  • The Student Council’s Little Heart Day Fundraiser

I hope everyone has enjoyed spending time with their loved ones during Matariki. A massive thank you to all of our parents and student helpers who enabled last term’s Matariki hāngī to be such a success. A special mention goes to Adam Miratana for leading the day and for the generous donation of manuka wood which gave our kai a great smokey flavour.

Yesterday we had 17 new students start at PBS! Welcome to the PBS community. We look forward to getting to know you and your whānau.

Term 3 is looking like it will be another 10 weeks of jam packed learning opportunities. The FIFA Women’s World Cup kick off this month offers some great experiences for our tamariki locally and in Wellington. I’m keen to support our Football Ferns! I’m aware one of our students has a cousin in the team and a few of our students will be walking teams on to the pitch! Many of our Year 5-8 girls will be taking part in a Girls’ Football Day inspired by the World Cup. This is part of the Kapiti Schools Sports Programme. 

I wanted to share the Community Pharmacy Minor Ailments Service as winter ills and chills are still likely this term and it may also alleviate some financial pressure. Those eligible for the FREE service at local pharmacies are:

  • Children under the age of 14 years 
  • Family members with the same symptoms as the under 14 year old 
  • Identify as a Pacific or Māori person
  • Hold a Community Services Card

The conditions covered by the Minor Ailments Service are shown below:

Parent Helpers are a valued resource here at PBS. We’d love to hear from any parents/caregivers in our school community that are able to volunteer some regular time to support our reading and writing programmes. Please email me if this is something that you might be interested in doing-

Upcoming dates for your calendar:

  • Tuesday, 25 July- Year 5-8 Girls Football Day- Te Moana & Te Motu
  • Friday, 28 July- Little Heart Day Fundraiser by the Student Council
  • Tuesday, 15 & Wednesday, 16 August- Tātahi Class photos & portraits (Year 1-2, Rm 16), sports teams and extra curricular groups
  • Wednesday, 2 August Storylines National Story Tour – Te Moana (Year 5 & 6)
  • Tuesday, 29 August – Senior Winter Tournament 9am -3pm


Sharing good news spreads positivity, changes attitudes and ultimately leads to more people feeling encouraged and happy

Congratulations to Adelia Rm – 24, Cash – Rm 29 and Amelia – Rm 10 who were our CREST Champions for Term 2.

Here’s to a great term ahead.

Noho ora mai rā, nā

Sarah Chambers

Acting Principal

Hangi Helpers

Welcome to Our Recent New Students

Miles – Rm 25, Sofia – Rm 25, Skyler – Rm 23, Molly – Rm 19, Frankie – Rm 5, Jenson – Rm 25, Harvey – Rm 24, Katelyn – Rm 2, Cleo – Rm 25, Aleeshya – Rm 6, Kaea – Rm 25, Eden – Rm 12, Oscar – Rm 24, Aurora – Rm 25, Aolani – Rm 5, Ayah – Rm 12, Vienna – Rm 16 and Taylor – Rm 25

Have You Checked Out Our Community Notices Directory?

Do you need to advertise your business, an upcoming event, need child care,  or looking for a gift or new club to join?  Check out the PBS Community Directory on our website

Using Māori Language at Home

Learning another language provides many benefits including greater academic achievement, greater cognitive development, and more positive attitudes towards other languages and cultures. So, let’s give it a go and help to revitalise this unique language to Aotearoa for our tamariki. Each week our newsletter will include words or phrases that you might like to try out at your kāinga/home.

Taihoawait/hang on/don’t yet
Kaua – don’t/ don’t do it
Kātistop it/cut it out

Here are these kupu used in a sentence

Taihoa e haeredon’t go just yet
Kaua e omadon’t run
Kāti te hāparangi – stop yelling

Driver Behaviour Around the School

Ngā mihi nui (thank you) for the great start to the new term.  Driver behaviour around our school has been good.

Just a reminder and to inform our new whānau, there is a clearway on the western side of Gray Ave. This area is not the drop and go zone outside the school hall.

As seen in the picture the clear way runs from our school gate down to 49 Gray Ave, operates between 8.30am – 9.30am then again from 2.30pm – 3.30pm, Monday to Friday and is not marked with yellow lines. 

This is the sign along the side of the road indicating where the clearway starts and ends.

The clearway is there to enable traffic to flow smoothly, and if vehicles are parked there Gray Ave becomes even more congested and it becomes even harder for buses to pass through.

There are also two ‘drop and go’ zones on on the eastern side of Gray Ave and the other outside our school hall on the western side of Gray Ave. As the name of these zones indicate they are not park and wait areas, they are designed for a quick turnaround that is, stop, drop off/pick up and go. These zones are also clearly signposted.

From the Student Council - Little Heart Day

Next Friday we’re holding a fundraiser for the Little Heart Day Charity, which supports children with heart conditions. Every year, 600 families living in Aotearoa NZ are told their child has a heart condition. Some of our friends right here at PBS have heart conditions, so it would be awesome if we could show our support. On this day we’re asking everyone to wear their Whānau Colours so that we can create a massive whole school heart. We’re also holding a Junior lunchtime Disco for Tātahi tamariki. The $5 entry includes chippies, ice blocks, music and face painting! Tickets available through KINDO.

The PTA Presents Rock'n Bingo!

Limited tickets available – book yours now on Kindo!

Yr 5-8 Spelling Bee


Midweek Munchies


Future Student Achievements

If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to

Aims Games

We have some students representing PBS at the Aims Games in Tauranga later in the year. Parents of the hockey team are running a movie fundraiser (see details on the flyer below). If you’d like to purchase a ticket contact Jo via the following email:


It’s now easier than ever for parents and staff to view products, filter by dietary requirements and order for multiple days.

What can parents expect from the new improved ezlunch site?

  • A fresh, new look with better navigation for parents

  • New lunch search & sort functions – filter by dietary requirement, sort by price or A-Z, search
  • Faster and easier checkout flow for a better shopping experience
  • Better visibility of which items are available and which aren’t
  • Easier process for ordering lunches for multiple days
  • Larger images on food items making it easier for parents to see what they are getting

Introduction of a service fee for ezlunch families

To ensure we can continue to provide the fast and effective helpdesk service our customers deserve and keep up with increasing costs, we have introduced an ezlunch service fee of 50 cents per lunch. This will be payable by parents and added automatically at checkout. The amount was set based on research with families to ensure it does not affect them unduly, and it will apply for ezlunch only.
Our team are so excited about the new look web user interface. We hope you and your families will be too!