Diorama Projects
Students in Room 4 started creative diorama projects in lockdown and have completed these this term. Here are a few inspiring examples from Keely, Isabelle, Josh and Charlie

PBS Swishes
Congratulations to PBS Swishes who made it through to the Interschool Basketball girls final and came second in the grade. By all accounts it was a great game, however, Kapakapanui came away with the win. I have a feeling that 2022 will be your year girls, so keep up the excellent game play!

Thanks to Our Helpers

Congratulations to Mason Pulepule who was asked to trial for the HHA U13 Boys team to compete in the U13 Lower North Island Festival. He was selected for the top squad and they competed well and finished unbeaten over the 4 day event. Mason has now been awarded MVP for his U13 HHA Team. Well done!

Thanks to Our Gardening Volunteers
Many thanks to our hard working gardening volunteers who helped tidy up the school frontage gardens recently! A very big thank you also to Gus and Glenys Evans for their generous support in plants.

David Parr has set this group of students up to work independently every morning to broadcast the daily messages to classrooms. Classes tune into the TV station at 9.05am for the daily news and weather, there are also advertisements included. Of course this is only the beginning of what we hope this group will achieve in the future. We hope that in 2022 we’ll be able to share more of this with a wider audience. Thanks for bringing the joy team!

Visit from HUHA Co-Founder
Recently Student Councillor Phoebe organised for Carolyn Press-McKenzie, Co-Founder of HUHA, to speak to the students of Te Moana. HUHA, which stands for Helping U Help Animals, is a charity that teaches empathy to the community and provides shelter for less fortunate animals. Carolyn brought a puppy named Olive with her to explain her life journey and how we can give animals a good life. The students had a lot of patai (questions) for Carolyn!

New Junior Playground
Children are buzzing with excitement over the new junior playground near the office. It’s been so great for the students to have had input into the playground design and watch it’s construction first hand!

Mayoral Visit
Recently our senior school had a visit from Mayor Gurunathan of the Kapiti Coast District Council. Jack, one of our councillors, invited the Mayor to share his life story and some wisdom that might inspire others.

Lewis Chandler and Sam Scriven were selected for Kapiti Basketball U13 Representative teams for 2021. Although the main BBNZ tournament was once again cancelled due to Covid restrictions, the Kapiti teams were able to play in a number of smaller regional tournaments over the last 5 weeks and were very successful, winning against top rep teams from Wellington, Hutt Valley, Porirua and Levin. An awesome achievement for the boys!

Inter-Regional Cross Country
Congratulations to PBS student Mia Thomson, who today won the Inter Regional Cross Country final for Year 5 girls. Mia not only won an individual gold, but was part of the Wellington team to win a team gold. We are all very proud of you. Ka rawe!

Acers Netball Final
The team had a really tough final for the plate on Saturday and came together to support each other and seal a well desired win. They should all be proud of the growth and progress they have made since coming together in April for their first round of games!

Kiwi Competitions
Every year PBS enters students into the University of Canterbury’s “Kiwi Competitions” for English, Mathematics and Science. A number of students achieved merits for their efforts and seven PBS kids received EXCELLENCE awards! Congratulations to Chester Jackson and Cuinn Walmsley who achieved excellence in Mathematics; Isobel Chisholm and Monty Parr for excellence in English; and to Callum Rice, Monty Parr and Benjamin Ross for excellence in Science. We are so proud of you all!

Senior Speech Cup
This year’s winner was the highly talented Isobel Chisholm with her speech on “English”. This is the fourth year in a row that Isobel has won one of our Speech competitions, having won the Year 5-6 Speech Cup in 2018 and 2019, and the Year 7-8 Speech Cup in 2020. Phenomenal work Isobel!

Wellbeing Awareness Day
Eva, Vienna and Chester got to meet some of the Kapiti Youth Support (KYS) team and explained about the KYS fundraiser they had organised, and the support they received from the PBS community for their Wellbeing Awareness Day. KYS were very impressed and grateful for the money raised!

Gardening Bee
Thanks to our “Green Thumb” kids – Ethan, Max, Jack, Emily, Amy, Callum, Josh and Shaun, and adult helpers – John Trask, Zoe Pearson and Nikki Bradley for their gardening bee recently. The garden beds around the hall are looking so refreshed and tidy as a result of your mahi!