Principal's Message
Kia Ora
Thank you for making other childcare arrangements for your children last Friday. We enjoyed an informative staff only day travelling by bus around some significant iwi and historical sites. Our tremendous gratitude to Ra Higgott, from Paraparaumu College, for being our tour guide and kaiako on this trip.
Whilst I cannot relay all of the korero Ra gave us, here is a little taster of what was covered. The hikoi started at the Arapawaiti urupā which can be found beneath the distinctive tree pictured below (off Manly Street). From here we visited the sites of Arapawaiti Pā and historic Ferry Inn (built in 1848 – building with red roof pictured below) and still standing near the bank of the Waikanae river.
The Arapawaiti Pā was home to Ngāti Rukao and was situated on the southern side of Waikanae river and the estuary area. Also on the southern side of the river were the pā sites of Te Uruhi, Kenakena and Kaiwarehou to name a few. Marking part of the Kenakena pā site and a former church stands an intricate Waharoa carving (on Mazengarb Road). I am sure many of us drive past this everyday and do not realise the significance it represents. By the 1820s there was a massive pā site at Kenakena, which at one time had several thousand inhabitants, extensive gardens and a stockade with carved posts. In 1848 a severe earthquake lifted the coastline and damaged the stockade and church. Liquefaction was one of the reasons the inhabitants of this pā moved to a new settlement. By 1854 windblown sand dunes had buried the site of the church and pā.
The waharoa gateway on Mazengarb Road was carved by Len Taylor (pictured with his wife May), who was able to meet us on our tour and talk us through the various aspects of the carving including the particular patterns used by Te Ati Awa.
Needless to say our staff have developed a deeper understanding of our local whenua and iwi from this day of learning. We will pass this learning onto our students and we certainly hope to build on this new knowledge over the coming years.
Before I sign off today I want to encourage all parents and whānau on the sidelines of games and events to show support and respect towards coaches, managers and referees. The behaviour we, as adults, role model is what our children will repeat/display. At PBS we are fortunate to have parents, extended family members and former students who put themselves forward to coach and manage teams. It’s not always easy to find enough people to volunteer for these roles and some seasons we really have to plead for volunteers. Therefore, I want to make sure that those who watch from the sidelines show respect for the jobs these people do. If you disagree with the way something is being done, then I would welcome you to put your name forward as a volunteer next season and see firsthand how difficult this task is.
Ngā mihi,
Jess Ward – Tumuaki ~ Principal

Welcome to Our Recent New Students
Hayden, Rm 24
Online Reporting at PBS
Over the last two years PBS has been gradually moving to online reporting. We are now ready to move away from paper reports, twice a year, altogether. From now on you will be able to access your child’s learning via “Spotlight” if your child is in Years 3 – 8 and via “Seesaw” if your child is in Years 0 – 2.
What we need parents to do: We require every parent to register for the @Schoolapp regardless of the age of your child. Although the Spotlight portal is accessed through the @Schoolapp so are many other functions we would like parents to be aware of e.g. checking your child’s attendance, checking how often your child visits the medical room and general notices. It’s highly likely that we will use this app to replace Skool Loop from 2022 onwards. So please make sure you have downloaded this app and click ‘notifications’. If you have attended one of our parent education evenings on this tool you will have a better understanding of how this portal works.
What will parents see?: Online reporting, via Spotlight and Seesaw, gives parents the opportunity to log in and view their child’s progress and evidence of their learning at any time during the school year. Throughout the year teachers will upload progress on your child’s reading, writing and maths(termly) , as well as general comments on learning, attitude and behaviour (in Terms 2 and 4).
When you are viewing curriculum comments about your child, via these portals, you will notice a reference to the NZ Curriculum level your child is working at, at the beginning of the comment.
For example EL1 = Early Level 1, L1 =Level 1, EL2 = Early Level 2, L2 = Level 2 and so on.
NB: Typically students in Years 0-2 are working at NZ Curriculum Level 1, Years 3-4 students are working at NZ Curriculum Level 2, Years 5-6 students are working at NZ Curriculum Level 3, Years 7-8 students are working at NZ Curriculum Level 4
What are the benefits of online reporting?: The benefits of reporting online mean that the information parents are receiving about their child’s progress is more timely and accessible. We recognised that by the time the old paper copies of reports were sent home at mid and end of each year, the assessments and comments were already outdated due to the 6-8 weeks it takes to compile them. This new way of reporting also enables teachers to support students with individual goals throughout the year as opposed to sitting and writing reports for blocks of time which have all passed by. With Spotlight and SeeSaw students have greater ownership of their learning, especially when they can upload evidence to show their achievements. Furthermore, parents have the ability to comment on their child’s progress, which helps to encourage and reinforce the gains they are making.
Why are we using SeeSaw for Years 0-2?: We have assessed the Spotlight tool for use with Year 0-2 students and feel it does not yet cater well enough for their needs. Therefore, we have made the decision to broaden the Junior team’s use of Seesaw to include reporting.
Problems on our Drop Off & Pick Up Zones
As the more wintery weather sets in we are receiving more parental complaints about other parents’ misuse of the school drop off and pick up zones. Most commonly we are hearing that parents are parking in the pick up zones at the end of the day for long periods of time. Please follow the rules below so that congestion is eased and we can provide.
Our School Community Police Officer has offered the following advice to help eliminate the problems we are experiencing in these areas:
*To take advantage of the drop off zone, get your child(ren) to wait beside it so you can drive in, pick up and drive on with no delays. If your child is not waiting there yet drive further down the road and park or drive back around
*Get your child(ren) to wait in school for 5 – 10 minutes so you pick them up at 3.10pm.
*Park well away from the school gates and encourage your child(ren) to walk the last metres to/from school
Remember, School drop off/pick up zones require a quick turnaround and are designed for people to stop, drop off/pick up and go. Parking is not allowed in these areas. If there are no spaces, please move on, as stopping to wait for a space causes congestion and risk at the pedestrian crossings.
Camp Donations
Everytime we hold a school camp (which is every two years) we have a handful of families who can’t afford the payment. At PBS we will never let a child miss out for financial reasons and so we work hard to find a way to cover these costs.
If you or a company you know would like to sponsor a child, please get in touch with me on
Thank you – Jess Ward
Using Māori Language at Home
It’s important for all Kiwi to learn te reo. Each week our newsletter will include phrases that you might like to try out at your place. After all, it will take the whole nation to keep this unique language alive.
Kua hora te kai o te pō – Dinner is served

Were Your Ears Burning?
Staff Gratitude Section
In preparation for upcoming Cross Country events Caty Spencer and David Parr have been taking groups of keen runners in Years 5-8 for extra lunchtime runs at Mazengarb Park. This added extra for students is due to staff dedication and passion.
Thanks to Caty and David for going the extra mile …. quite literally!!
Kid's Quote
A student giving it their all in the cross country run exclaimed:
“These shoes are so heavy!”
Well good on you for giving it a go regardless 🙂

Student Work
As part of learning through play the students in Room 23 have been creating and curating their own museums. During a recent classroom visit I was able to explore a ‘Money Museum’, a ‘Crystal and Rock Museum’ and a ‘Bone Museum’! Fortunately I seemed to be let in without having to pay any entry fees. Shhhhhh!

Teachers' Union Meeting
As advertised last week, our Teachers’ Union has recently signalled a paid union meeting for Teachers on 30 June from 1.30pm. This means our school will finish at the earlier time of 12.50pm on this day.
However, if you cannot pick your child/ren up earlier we will have two staff remaining on site who can provide limited supervision. Please contact the school office if you can not arrange childcare and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.
Growth Mindset
I’m finding reading about Growth Mindset very interesting. I recently read about a study into the mindsets of secondary aged students, which focused on whether these students believed their intelligence was a fixed trait or something they could develop. The study followed the students over the next two years and discovered that the students who believed a person’s IQ couldn’t be developed showed a decline in their grades. Whereas the students, in the study, who believed in a growth mindset and showed perseverance and resilience displayed increased grades.
Those who didn’t believe they could learn new skills and knowledge, put themselves down a lot and often stated that they couldn’t do something before they had even attempted it. They saw the task as too big and felt overwhelmed by the end product/result, rather than trying to see the task as a number of smaller steps to chip away at. They often gave up at the first instance of difficulty, rather than seeking help or trying to tackle the learning in another way.
Those students who had a growth mindset, the ability to bounce back from failure and learn from their mistakes, achieved more success. When faced with difficulty they sought support (from peers, teachers, online video examples, book resources) and they showed an understanding that some learning takes time to achieve and embed.
This example was given that made me smile:
George Danzig was a graduate student in maths at Berkley (USA). One day he rushed in late to his maths class and quickly copied the two homework problems from the blackboard. When he later went to do them, he found them very difficult, and it took him several days of hard work to crack them open and solve them. They turned out not to be homework problems at all. They were two famous maths problems that had never been solved.
Ngāru Cross Country Results
Last Wednesday, PBS Syndicates Tātahi and Ngāru held their Junior Cross Country. It was such beautiful, sunny but frosty day. Children ran their hearts out and did their best. Thank you to all the parents and whānau who came along to support our students.
Results for Ngāru Syndicate:
Year 3 Girls
1st – Lucie Thomson
2nd – Ceejay Kraus
3rd – Maylei Davis
4th – Sofia Butterfield
Year 3 Boys
1st – Ty Gardiner
2nd – Campbell Stratford
3rd – Isaac Ransfield
4th – Ryan Carter
Year 4 Girls
1st – Kaya O’Brien
2nd – Sophia Cartmer-Strauss
3rd – Angelica Bonnar
4th – Eden Kavakura
Year 4 Boys
1st – Leo Holloway
2nd – Brodin Davis
3rd – Hosheia Bolton-Smithson
4th – Zavier Marshall
PBS Cross Country 2021 Recount
Last Wednesday it was our school cross country. It was freezing, but I still took my jacket off.
“3, 2, 1, Go!”
All the Year 4 girls ran. The grass was wet, but I didn’t stop. I ran. I was about to run past my sister. She and her friend cheered for me. I was tired, but I did not care.
In my head I was saying “I need to stop. I need to stop”, but I didn’t. Then I saw the finish line. I ran faster than a “lambo”. I ran past some other kids then … hooray, I crossed the finish line!
I needed water, but I forgot my water bottle. My tongue was going to fall off. I had an amazing time. I can’t wait for next year!
By Sasha – Yr 3/4
What a race! Clever recount!
We have noticed an increase in the number of students arriving to school late. The morning bell goes at 8:55am. We acknowledge that there may be the occasional instance when your child might arrive late to school, however, regularly arriving late affects a child’s ability to settle to work and prepare for the day ahead. It also impacts on their classmates and the class teacher’s programme.
Teaching good punctuality from an early age is a valuable life skill and one we encourage here at PBS. Thank you for your support in this regard.
Last Chance to Order Your School Memories Photos!
Orders close tomorrow (2 June). Photos can be ordered online at or fill in the envelope sent home enclosing the correct cash amount and return to the office.
For all queries, please contact School Memories direct on 0800 437 447.
Anchor Aims Games Returns to Tauranga in September 2021
Anchor AIMS Games is an inter-school sporting competition for young sportspeople across New Zealand and the wider South Pacific.
Every September, many thousands of 11 to 13-year-olds gather in Tauranga to compete against their age in a variety of individual and team sports. For many, this is their first experience of a super-scale sports event, complete with an opening ceremony, professional livestream coverage and world-class facilities. Anchor AIMS Games encourages an active life, fair play, and participation across a variety of sports. Many professional Kiwi athletes have come through the Games on their way to specialisation and achievement on the world stage.
Paraparaumu Beach School is an affiliated member of NZAIMS – New Zealand Association of Intermediate Middle Schooling (NZAIMS). Year 7/8 athletes are welcome to register in individual or team events. While we will support our sportspeople to participate, the school will not be involved in the organisation or payments for the event. For more information, click on the link to register your child or team for this event.
Registration is urgently required and is due by 9 June 2021.

Digitech Corner
Online Gaming Advice
Online gaming is very popular with many young people, but there are things to be aware of to make sure that your young person stays safe when playing online. Below are some great tips for young gamers from Netsafe.
Online gaming can be fun, but sometimes there are things people do that could make you feel awkward. It’s a good idea to be aware of some of the risks and how to keep yourself safe. Here’s our tips:
*Use the safety tools: Sometimes other gamers can say mean things or try to bully or upset you
*Make sure you know how to block and report anything that makes you feel uncomfortable and if you need help make sure you speak to someone about it
*Get support: Some of the people you might be playing with could be older than you. Remember to be aware and tell your parents or a teacher if you feel upset or uncomfortable about what someone is saying to you
*Keep your details private: If anyone asks you to share your password or any personal information with them, don’t send it
*Disconnect: Some games have content that might upset you or you may see something that makes you feel upset. If this happens, turn off the game and speak to an adult you trust
*Find a balance: Some people find it hard to stop playing, but it’s important you also spend time with friends and family and do other things you enjoy
*Lots of games allow players to talk to one another while they play. Sometimes some players use the chat function to say mean things or try to distract other gamers from their game
*Before you start playing, check how to report, block or mute other players. If someone says something to you that upsets you or makes you feel uncomfortable, speak to a parent or another trusted adult about it
For more information on this topic visit:

Candy Floss Friday
Fundraising for the Te Moana Syndicate School Camp.
Fizz Bang Candy Floss will be delivered to each classroom on Friday, 25 June between 2-3pm for children to take home. Profits will be divided across the Te Moana Syndicate to lower the cost of attending camp. Payment is due by Thursday, 17 June via correct cash to the office with your order form or on Kindo. Click here to access the order form Candy Floss Friday
Win a lunch shout! To brighten up these winter days, we’re excited to be running the Lunch Shout giveaway:
Win $50 to spend on lunches
Plus $10 to shout your teacher
Order lunch to be delivered between Tuesday, 8 June and Friday, 18 June and go in the draw to win. Every order gets you another entry.
Three winners will be drawn. Each winner will receive a $50 ezlunch credit and a $10 ezlunch voucher for their teacher
T&C’s – Winners will be selected randomly and notified by phone or email. Open to NZ residents only. Competition ends and will be drawn on Friday, 18 June 2021 at 10am.

Community Notices
Please note—community notices are accepted on a “publication if space allows” basis (thus no guarantee of publication can be given) three times per term (start/middle/end); a small contribution of $10 to the school for short “business” notices is appreciated before publication. Finally and importantly, the publishing in the school newsletter of any community notice does not imply school sanctioning of, support for, or knowledge of the event or activity described.
Bigair Gymsports: Children love learning how to cartwell , round-off, handspring and flip at Bigair Gyms classes to develop strength, flexibility, balance, proprioception, plus determination and self-confidence as they achieve new skills. We focus on safety, techique, fundamental skills, right through to more advanced skills. Our experienced coaches run structured and fun gym classes which follow a gym programme. Please contact Bigair Gym Kapiti on 297 0400 or email
Piano Lessons: Heidi Schrama has 20 years experience. Contact Heidi on 027 221 5800; or
sKids: sKids Kenakena specialises in delivering quality before school, after school and holiday programmes. We strive to create a fun and safe environment that our kids just love! Limited places for Term 2 and now taking bookings for Term 3. For more info please call Jools Da Silva on 021 0254 3249 or email
Feldenkrais Group for Children: Using the mind to improve movement and movement to improve the mind … For more info contact
Introduction to Weaving: The Cancer Society of NZ are running an introduction to weaving class and morning tea for Kapiti whānau. All are welcome to attend. Contact Mandy Savage on for more details.
Queen Margaret College Discovery Days: Come along and discover Yr 7 and 9 at QMC. Experience the advantage of small classes, a unique curriculum and passionate, experienced teachers in our stunning, heritage location. Register online at
Whitby Collegiate Experience Day: Your child could spend a day in class with our friendly staff & students on Friday, 25 June or Friday, 2 July from 8:45am – 3:15pm. If you’re interested in your child attending on either of the available dates, please register on our website here or give us a call on 04 234 1070. If you would like to tour our school, please register your interest here or telephone the above number. To find out more, please visit our website here.
Saturday Kiwi Hoops: Kapiti Basketball Assn are running Saturday kiwi hoops again this term. There are two sessions: 11.30am-12.30pm for 5-9 yrs and 12.30-2pm for 10-13 yrs. Players can register at or email for more info.
Gold Coin Community Day at Nga Manu: Pack a picnic and come and enjoy a fun family day out in nature. Your gold coin donation goes to the non-profit Nga Manu Trust, which contributes to national and
local conservation through its involvement in many species breeding programmes such as for kiwi, tuatara, whio/blue duck, as well as endangered lizard species and plant conservation.