Principal's Message
Tena koutou
I’m keeping my Principal’s message brief this week as it is a grumble. I hate grumbling, it doesn’t make me feel good, but this is important.
These Alert Levels are not fun for anyone but if Auckland has taught us anything recently it’s that we MUST all follow the rules for pandemic management. At PBS we have plans in place and I implore you, as the adults in our school community, to follow them. When you work in education you quickly become aware that you are a role model for all the youngsters in your midst. Kids take their cues from how adults speak, behave and interract.
Under Alert Level 2 we are allowing parents and whānau onsite if absolutely necessary, however, you MUST QR code at the gate or sign in at the school office. I felt very let down this morning (while standing at road patrol) at the number of adults I had to ask to QR code or send back into school to sign in. Please be aware that 580+ children are watching your behavior. If the kids see that adults don’t care about the rules, then that is a mindset they are likely to adopt.
On a positive note, it is wonderful to see the kids embracing Movin’ March. Well done!
Ngā mihi,
Jess Ward – Tumuaki ~ Principal
PS -Apologies to all those parents/caregivers doing the right thing
PPS – Term 2 date for your diary – School will be closed on Friday 28 May for a staff only day
Welcome to Our Recent New Students
Andreas Rm 25
Bailey Rm 25
Senior Camps to Nelson
Our Senior camps to Nelson take place on 15 – 19 March (Rms 7, 8 & 15) and 22 – 26 March (Rms 13, 14 & 16) so we hope to be back at Alert Level 1.
However, if we are at Alert Level 2, we will still attend camp using a “camp-specific pandemic management plan”. We have already received the pandemic plan from Bridge Valley Camp and I will be emailing parents of Year 7-8 students with more information next week.
At Alert Level 2 the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health’s advice is that camps can still continue. If circumstances were to change during a camp then we would enact plans to bring the students home.
Jess Ward
Upcoming Parent Education Evening
On Tuesday, 30 March from 7pm we will be holding a parent education evening – so please put this date in your calendar now.
The format of this evening is a 10-15 minute introduction, followed by stations around the hall for parents to wander around. While the main thrust of this evening is on the use of Spotlight for student learning and reporting at Years 3-8, there will be stations on Cyber Safety, the @SchoolApp and more. As the majority of this evening is set up as stations to visit, after the initial introduction, parents can stay as long or short as they choose.
Can’t get a babysitter? We will be offering supervision for children in the school library.
Kid's Quote
A 7 year old boy returned from lunch to tell his teacher “I stumped my toe!”

HOLI - Festival of Colour Fundraiser
On 27 March Holi Festival of Colour is being held between 11am – 2pm at Kapiti Primary school. The organisers, being PBS parents, have suggested that we use the event as a fundraiser. This fundraiser involves PBS kids being sponsored $20 to be part of the Colour Run with ALL proceeds returned to PBS to support camp fees for kids. I’ll be involved too – so the community can Colour Bomb me at their leisure!
Later this week the sponsorship option will be loaded into KINDO for any age child to participate.

Were Your Ears Burning?
Staff Gratitude Section
At PBS we use part of our staffing entitlement to fund a fully released SENCO (Special Education Needs Co-ordinator). Carrie Reid fulfils this incredibly busy role at PBS, leading a team of 10 Teacher Aides and supporting teachers and students in classrooms. Carrie is the kind of person who always goes above and beyond, and I am so grateful for her expertise and diligence.
Jess Ward
Using Māori Language at Home
It’s important for all Kiwi to learn te reo. Each week our newsletter will include phrases that you might like to try out at your place. After all it will take the whole nation to keep this unique language alive.
Mōrena – Good morning
Ata mārie – Good morning

Celebrating Student Work
There are many awesome examples of stunning artwork and wall displays around the school at the moment. These ones (pictured below) are just two which have caught my eye; a gorgeous Korowai collaboratively made by the students of Rooms 1 & 2, and a stunning CREST wall display by Room 14.

Māehe Manawa Ora/ Movin' March
Movin’ March is organised by Greater Wellington Regional Council and supported by our local council. They offer a variety of competitions for our tamariki and our parents.
Te Whakataetae Puka Uruwhenua mō WOW/ WOW Passport Challenge
This popular challenge invites students to collect stamps on a passport every time they walk or wheel to/from school during Movin’ March. Simply fill your cards and go in the draw to win one of 12 $400 My Ride vouchers from the Greater Wellington Regional Council. Even if you live too far away to walk, why not drop your child at a destination closer to the school and allow them to walk, scooter or bike the remainder of the journey.
Te Whakataetae Toi/ Art Competition
Our Year 5 10 year-old students will have the opportunity to participate in a Movin’ March Art Challenge. Students will design and colour Jack the Kākā’s journey to school and design their own wonder or adventure for him along the way. Vouchers & Prezzy cards are up for grabs.
He Whakataetae Whakaahua mā ngā Mātua/ Competitions for Parents
Show us your journey to school to be in to WIN a family pass to Staglands or ZEALANDIA or a Micro scooter! To enter, share a photo on the Movin’ March Facebook page.
For further information, check out this link:
New Zealand Centre for Gifted Education
Ministry of Education of New Zealand Applications for Gifted Learner Awards are now open!
Are your children always asking questions or looking for new challenges? We can help you to help them. We have awards that can help support your children to extend in new ways. It could be cultural, spiritual, musical, artistic, or academic. This can be unique to you and your whānau, hapu or iwi. Applications are open until 12 March.
Find more and apply at:
Student Update Forms
Thank you to everyone who has returned their student update forms to the office. If you haven’t already done so, please check, make any changes necessary and return your forms to the office asap (regardless of whether or not there are any changes) to ensure we have up-to-date information in case of emergency. Thanks.

The Paraparaumu Beach School Parent Teacher Association
Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday, 11 March at
7.00pm in the PBS School Staffroom.
All welcome!
Paraparaumu Junior Rugby Club Registrations
Registrations are now open for the upcoming season. Go to to register your child. We have rippa rugby grades (non-contact) from U6 to U13 and tackle grades (contact) from U8 to U13. Some grades have all girls teams.
The season kicks off in early May with training starting in April. We also have our club day in late March.
Any questions, please contact

Please remember:
Year 1/2 Netball
*Registrations need to be back to school by Thursday, 11 March
*Fees are to be paid by Thursday, 11 March
*Netball starts on Wednesday, 17 March
Years 3-6 Netball
*Registrations need to be back to school by Wednesday, 14 April
*Fees are to be paid by Monday, 4 May
*Netball starts for Yr 3/4 on Monday, 10 May and for Yr 5/6 on Saturday, 8 May
Year 7/8 Netball
*Trials start on Friday, 5 March then Monday, 8 and Friday, 12 March at 12.50pm
*Fees are to be paid by Monday, 4 May
*Netball starts on Saturday, 8 May
Vicki Wilson
Hockey registration forms will be coming home later this week. The season will start on Tuesday, 4 May for Yr 7/8; Wednesday, 5 May for Yr 5/6; and Sunday, 9 May for Yrs 1-4.
Vicki Wilson
Kapiti Junior Hockey Club Competition
Kapiti Junior Hockey Club Year 7/8 Boys and Girls 7-aside teams & Year 5/6
Mixed 6-aside teams
KCHC Junior Hockey Club has Year 7/8 7 a-side and Year 5/6 Mixed 6-aside teams that play on Saturday mornings in the Wellington Hockey Association Primary competitions and registrations are now open. If you have children keen on playing for a Saturday club team, email their name and contact details to Or you can click this link (KCHC Juniors Saturday team registrations) to the Club’s online registration form.
The trials for the U13 teams will be held 21 & 28 March