"Together we are lifelong CREST learners"
Principal's Message
Kia ora Whānau,
It’s great to have everyone back at school for Term 4. We have had a number of new enrolments at PBS and we warmly welcome those kids and their families into our community!
With only 45 school days until the end of the year and lots of events happening it is vital for you to keep reading newsletters, school emails and/or notifications. Keeping up to date with school communications will enable you and your kids to stay aware of what’s on as we all rush towards the busy Christmas end of the year.
Thank you everyone.
Please keep reading! Today’s newsletter contains information about:
- Class requests process 2025
- Inclusive Parenting Network – if your child is neurodiverse you may want to read about this
- BIG NZ Shakeout (country-wide earthquake drill)
- Bucket hat term reminder
Ka kite anō.
Jess Ward
Principal – Tumuaki
P.S. Got a suggestion? Let us know through our online suggestion box.
Some upcoming dates for your awareness:
- Tuesday, 22 October – Olympic Ambassador speaking to Years 5-8
- Tuesday, 22 October – Support meeting for parents of neurodiverse students – 9.15 a.m (staffroom)
- Thursday, 24 October – Big NZ Shakeout (Earthquake Drill)
- Friday, 25 October – National “Celebrate Our Teachers” day
- Monday, 28 October – Labour Day (School Closed)
At PBS we champion our school C.R.E.S.T values in everything we do.
Curiosity. Respect. Excellence. Self Management. Teamwork
Recently Emily Kaye was nominated for a Fred Hollows Humanity Award and we’re delighted to let you know that she was a recipient! Emily was awarded this honour for showing compassion, integrity and kindness. Tu Meke!
Last term all classes worked hard to practise the school waiata. At our end of term assembly it was fantastic to see and hear all students singing this with pride. Our school waiata pays respect to our unique local setting and our iwi. Here’s a photo of our tamariki singing together.
Welcome to Our Recent New Students
Indie – Rm 22, Kiara – Rm 18, Louis – Rm 18, Willow – Rm 18, Maisie – Rm 20, Sasha – Rm 7, Evie – Rm 18, Riley – rm 19, Wikitoria – Rm 25 and Versian – Rm 1
Have You Checked Out Our Community Notices Directory?
Do you need to advertise your business, an upcoming event, need child care, or looking for a gift or new club to join? Check out the PBS Community Directory on our website https://kapiti.pbs.school.nz/
Angus Wilson was proud to show me his medals from the Inter-Regional Cross Country recently. Angus came first place in the Year 7 boys AWD race and 4th in the overall AWD competition (including all Year 5-8 girls and boys AWD races). Angus ran the entire course without stopping once and PBS is in awe of his success!
Angus also wanted me to congratulate his dad, who won a medal for being Angus’ support runner. Way to go dad!

Big NZ Shakeout
Once again PBS has registered for the Big NZ Shakeout. This country-wide earthquake drill is being held on Thursday 25 October at 9.15am. Whilst we practise drills at other times in the year we feel it’s important to undertake this national drill with other schools and workplaces around the motu. If you are on site at school at this time please join us and role model the appropriate safety actions.
From the Board
Tonight, the first board meeting of term 4 will be held (Tuesday, 15th October).
With the next set of board elections in September 2025, if you have ever considered getting involved with the board, this is an excellent opportunity to see what happens in the ordinary course of business.
Our board meetings are open to the public, and we’re always keen to hear from our parents, whanau and caregiver community.
Using the @School App
I will regularly highlight a button on the @school app. This week it is
The Blog is where a student has published a piece of work they wish to share with their family. The number in the red bubble shows you how many blog posts have been published but have not yet been read. If you have not yet checked this feature out have a look.
This is what you see when you push the button. At the top left you will see ‘select a blog’, this gives you the option to select ‘all’ your child’s blogs (Yr 1 – Yr 8), their ‘junior’ blogs (Yr 1 – Yr 4) or their ‘senior’ blogs (Yr 5 – Yr 8). As this is a new function there may be students in Yrs 5 – 8 who do not have ‘junior blogs’.
The orange speech bubble is what your child wrote. The green speech bubble is what their teacher wrote and in the bottom right-hand corner is a speech bubble that allows a parent to comment as well. The button that says ‘open’ will take you to a photo.
Using Māori Language at Home
Learning another language provides many benefits including greater academic achievement, greater cognitive development, and more positive attitudes towards other languages and cultures. So, let’s give it a go and help to revitalise this unique language to Aotearoa for our tamariki. Each week our newsletter will include words or phrases that you might like to try out at your kāinga/home.
Here are some essential kupu that you may hear ia ra (everyday)
Kīwaha (idiom)
A super simple saying that you can use in your everyday conversations.
Kei whakamau! (Just let it go)

Cool Student Work
Last term each class was given a country to support during the Olympics and the Paralympics. Room 11 were given Jamaica to follow and support. They learned about the location and beach-loving islanders, noting how many Jamaicans love to live in jandals all year around due to the hot weather. To finish off their inquiry each student created a pair of colour jandals from clay and carefully painted decorations on them. The kids were super proud of their work and creativity. Ka pai!

Kid's Quote
One of our junior students wanted to spell ‘Twinkle’ in their writing. Given the trickiness of the english language, I think their incredible effort (below) should be celebrated!

Class Requests for 2025
The process of putting class lists together for a new year is an extremely complex and time consuming task. There are many variables to consider, for example; equal class sizes, the gender balance in each class, the distribution of students with social/behaviour and learning needs, medical needs, splitting cousins/siblings, and so on.
In a small school there may only be one class at each level and therefore no opportunity to group students in different ways. In a school our size, whilst we do have the advantage of flexibility, the process takes time and consideration. I can assure you that we act professionally and thoughtfully when placing students in classes.
We ask that parents are understanding and supportive of the complexities involved.
At PBS we prefer that parents do not submit requests unless there are exceptional circumstances. If parents want us to consider any exceptional circumstances that their child may have in regards to class placement for next year, then the formal process below must be followed:
*Requests must specifically describe the exceptional circumstances around the child’s needs
*It is preferable that parents do not request a specific teacher by name
*Requests must be from the child’s parent/legal guardian
*Requests must be in writing to the Principal jward@pbs.school.nz
*Requests must be received no later than Friday, 25 October
Whilst we allow parents to submit such requests, we do ask in return, that the final decision on class placement (whether or not a request has been met) is both respected and promoted positively by parents to their child.
Thank you.
It's Bucket Hat Term
This term will hopefully be warm and sunny! This means students will need bucket hats. Bucket hats are worn during Terms 1 & 4 at PBS as part of our sun smart safety procedure. Thank you for helping us to keep your child sunsafe.
Join Us - Inclusive Whānau Network

From the Student Council
Thank you sooo much for supporting our charity fundraiser for the Muscular Dystrophy Association NZ (MDANZ). Together we raised over $1,000!! We’re stoked.
We’re now in the process of reaching out to the local branch so that we can hand over the money raised. Ngā mihi nui koutou!

We held the CREST card draw at our end of term assembly. Any students who had received a CREST card for demonstrating our school values during Term 3 had their name in the draw. Congratulations to Zach, Noah & Joshua!

Inter-Regional Cross-Country Champions
Congratulations to our star athletes for their outstanding achievements at the annual Inter-Regional Cross-Country Event held on 26 September (at the end of Term 3). Mia Thomson took 1st place in the Year 8 Girls event, Angus Wilson secured 1st in the Year 7 Boys AWD event, and Lucie Thomson claimed 1st in the Year 6 Girls race. What an incredible way to end the term and cross-country season —congratulations Mia, Angus and Lucie!

Touch Rugby
The inter school Touch Rugby league starts next week. The season’s first leg is from 22 October-11 December. The second leg is 11 February-19 March.
The under 7, under 8 & under 10 grades play on Tuesday evenings.
Under 12 & under 14 grades play on Wednesday evenings.
Students are to play in their PBS school shirt and navy/black shorts. School shirts can be purchased via KINDO or pop into the school office and talk to one of the team.
Coaches have been emailed the draw for the first leg of the season (NB: a revised version is being sent out today).
The draw, game rules and player and spectator guidelines can all be found on the Kapiti Junior Touch website: https://www.sporty.co.nz/kapititouchjunior
Enjoy everyone!
Cups & Trophy Return
It’s that time of year when we request the return of any cups or trophies awarded at last year’s prize-giving. We’d be grateful if they could be given a quick polish before dropping off to the school office. Thank you.
Grocery Grab Raffle
Your child will be coming home with an envelope with one book of 5 grocery grab raffle tickets this week that the PTA would be really appreciative if you could sell. The tickets are $5 each. When you have sold the tickets can you please return them to school and put them into the box inside the office. If you would like another book of tickets please indicate on your return book or email sandys@pbs.school.nz. If you cannot sell the tickets please return asap so that we can sell them to others.
As an incentive to help you sell the tickets, there will be a $200 Warehouse voucher up for grabs for the whānau that sells the most tickets. This is a great prize leading up to Christmas and the funds raised will be going towards an outdoor covered roof that we are wanting to get for the school.
Tickets will be for sale at New World on Friday, 8 November; Friday, 15 November and Saturday, 9 November.
Thanks in anticipation
Future Student Achievements
If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to mbarfoote@pbs.school.nz
Join the PBS Whānau Rōpu

Term 4 Ezlunch Promotion
Every week for the first five weeks of term 4, customers who order ezlunch will be in the draw to win one of two $50 ezlunch vouchers!
All ezlunch orders placed for delivery between Monday 14th October and 15th November will automatically be entered.