"Together we are lifelong CREST learners"
Principal's Message
Kia ora PBS parents and whānau
Firstly, please don’t forget that this Thursday is a staff-only day at PBS.
Thank you for all the positive feedback regarding the information I included in our newsletter on the proposed changes to the NZ Mathematics curriculum. As stated I am not against change, but I am highly concerned with the government’s misuse of data and the speed with which schools are expected to implement this new methodology.
At first glance, this new curriculum introduces significantly more challenging content across most year levels. The expectations for early-stage learning within the first six months of school seem particularly demanding; the content proposed would traditionally take a solid 12-18 months to master. Likewise, the learning expectations for Year 7-8 students are more complex. Overall, the accelerated pace (reduced timeframes to consolidate knowledge & skills) and increased achievement expectations are likely to lead to higher cognitive load and lower achievement rates for students nationwide.
Whilst teachers and principals across the motu will continue to advocate for a curriculum that is both evidence based and appropriately levelled, I can assure you that whatever the outcome PBS educators will continue to work hard and do the utmost for your children.
But don’t stop reading just yet! Today’s newsletter contains information about:
- Good Luck to our AIMS games athletes
- Farewell to Jodie Nicholson
- PBS Parent Survey – check your emails and be in to win a $200 Prezzy Card!
- Wellington Regional Primary Principal’s Press Release
Mā te wā,
Jess Ward
Principal – Tumuaki
P.S. Got a suggestion? Let us know through our online suggestion box.
Upcoming dates for your awareness:
- Thursday, 5 September – Teacher only day (school closed for instruction)
- 16 – 20 September – Māori Language Week
At PBS we champion our school C.R.E.S.T values in everything we do.
Curiosity. Respect. Excellence. Self Management. Teamwork
Good luck to all our students who are heading to the AIMS Games in Tauranga at the end of this week! This annual sporting event brings together 10,000+ students from all over NZ. I know that our awesome PBS kids will remember to show their CREST values at this tournament and give the events their absolute all. Thanks in advance to the coaches, managers, sponsors and supporters of these student athletes; you are very appreciated.
Good luck to:
- Golf: Callum Rice
- BMX: Alex Martin
- Cross Country: Mia Thomson
- Girls Hockey team: Holly McCullagh, Phoebe Corin, Quin Steinmetz, Keely Collier-Fiske, Kyra Pulepule, Sienna Carter, Danika Stratford, Amy Summers, Mia Thomson, Lulu Collett
- Football team: Hosheia Bolton-Smithson, Zavier Marshall, Sean Martin, Max Wood, William Hamdan, Regan Tidy, Noah Maligieri, Lilly James, Archie Jackson, Mitchell Maloney, Matthew Livingston, Tom Johnstone, Kade Gardiner, Mason Morrison, Leo Holloway
Welcome to Our Recent New Students
Chanel – Rm 13
Ozzy – Rm 22
Elsie – Rm 3
Have You Checked Out Our Community Notices Directory?
Do you need to advertise your business, an upcoming event, need child care, or looking for a gift or new club to join? Check out the PBS Community Directory on our website https://kapiti.pbs.school.nz/
Reminder Staff Only Day - 5 September
As mentioned in previous newsletters, PBS has a staff-only day this week on Thursday, 5 September. This is our final one for 2024. On this day, all staff members will be engaged in professional development focused on giving effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. This important learning opportunity will involve every member of our staff.
We kindly ask parents to make alternative arrangements for childcare on this day. We appreciate your support as we continue to grow and develop as educators, ensuring we provide the best possible learning environment for all our tamariki.
PBS Parent Survey - Be In To Win a $200 Prezzy Card!
Wow – we have 108 responses so far! Thank you.
Last week every parent/caregiver should have received an email with a link to our Board’s survey (I have re-sent this link to you this morning). Your feedback and support is what helps to keep PBS thriving, so we hope you’ll find 10-15 minutes over the next 7 days to complete this survey for us. Your survey feedback is anonymous, and there’s a separate link at the end of the survey for those who want to be in with a chance to win a $200 Prezzy card!
NB: This survey closes next Tuesday (10 September).
Farewell to Jodie Nicholson
Next Friday PBS farewells Teacher Aide Jodie Nicholson. Jodie joined our team mid-way through 2023 and has worked hard during her tenure to support students with autism and additional learning needs. The children warmed to Jodie quickly and trusted her guidance.
Thank you so much Jodie for all you have added to PBS and the tamariki in your care; we wish you well in your new job.
Wellington Regional Primary Principals' Press Release
The Wellington Regional Primary Principals Association (WRPPA) joins the New Zealand Principals’ Federation (NZPF) and other associations across Aotearoa in expressing serious concerns over the Government’s accelerated pace of curriculum changes. We believe the current approach is placing an unsustainable burden on schools and teachers, particularly in light of the limited time remaining in the 2024 school year.
While we acknowledge the importance of continually evolving our education system to meet the needs of all students, the current pace of implementation is unrealistic. The tight timelines set by the Government do not account for the practical challenges faced by schools.
WRPPA is deeply concerned about the accuracy of the data being used to justify these changes. Claims of a widespread crisis in literacy and numeracy do not align with the realities faced by many Wellington schools. Misrepresenting data undermines the hard work of teachers and creates unnecessary pressure on an already stressed workforce.
WRPPA echoes the sentiments expressed in the recent media release from the New Zealand Educational Institute (NZEI). We are deeply concerned about the lack of experienced facilitators available to support the professional development needed to implement these changes effectively. Without proper guidance and resources, schools are left to navigate these complex transitions on their own, which is neither fair nor sustainable.
We currently have serious challenges across our Wellington schools with sourcing relievers and the extra professional development required will put further pressure on our already stretched system. WRPPA urges the Government to adopt a more collaborative and considered approach to curriculum reform. We believe that genuine consultation with principals and teachers is essential to ensure that any changes are sustainable and aligned with the needs of our students and communities.
We support the Manawatu Principal Association’s call on the Government to:
- Slow down the pace of change to allow schools time to implement changes effectively.
- Provide adequate resources and support for professional development and implementation.
- Engage in genuine consultation with principals and teachers to inform the reform process.
- Re-evaluate the data being used to justify the changes and ensure it accurately reflects the situation in schools.
WRPPA urges the Government to reconsider the pace and approach of these curriculum changes. We call for a more collaborative process that respects the professional judgment of educators and the voices of our communities. Our primary focus should be on providing a quality education that meets the needs of every child, not on hastily implemented changes that threaten to undermine the stability of our schools.
Using Māori Language at Home
Learning another language provides many benefits including greater academic achievement, greater cognitive development, and more positive attitudes towards other languages and cultures. So, let’s give it a go and help to revitalise this unique language to Aotearoa for our tamariki. Each week our newsletter will include words or phrases that you might like to try out at your kāinga/home.
Here are some essential kupu that you may hear ia ra (everyday)
This week I have decided to put a video to Rā whānau ki a koe – for us to learn.
Kupu (words)
Rā whānau ki a koe
Rā whānau ki a koe
Rā whānau ki ā ________
Rā whānau ki a koe.
Hari huritau ki a koe
Hari huritau ki a koe
Hari huritau ki ā _________
Hari hurutau ki a koe
Rā whānau ki a koe is a transliteration of happy birthday to you, hari huritau loosely means – turning of the year, so the anniversary of your birth

Using the @School App
I will regularly highlight a button on the @school app. This week it is
This button takes you to our school calendar. This shows you events that are happening in our school which may involve your child/ren.
Kid's Quote
Senior student wisdom…
“Mum says I can be dizzy, but we are constantly moving around the sun!”

Out of Zone Applications Open for 5 Year Old New Entrants
If you have any children due to start school soon that you have not let us know about, or if you have friends or neighbours who don’t currently have a child at PBS, but may be hoping to enrol a student here in Terms 1 or 2 2025, please ask them to contact our school office as soon as possible. Thank you.
“Out-of-zone” applications for Terms 1 and 2 2025 five year old new entrant students will be advertised in the Kapiti News later this month.
Student Council Charity Fundraiser
This term the charity we’ve chosen to support is Muscular Dystrophy New Zealand. This is because we have students and whānau within our school community who know first hand the impact of living with Muscular Dystrophy.
Muscular Dystrophy is the name of a group of conditions causing muscle weakness that gets worse over time. There’s no cure for Muscular Dystrophy, but there is treatment and support to help manage the condition.
We’ll be running a lunchtime movie for each syndicate in weeks 9 & 10. Please help us to help others by purchasing a movie ticket for only $5 (this includes popcorn, a drink and the movie). Tickets are available through KINDO.

Touch Rugby Registrations 2024
The 2024/2025 touch season is just around the corner. Detailed information was emailed out last week regarding how to register your child/ren for the upcoming touch rugby season.
Registrations close on Monday, 9 September. Registrations are all done on KINDO (form and payment).
If you do not have a KINDO account, please contact Sarah Chambers directly (schambers@pbs.school.nz) for an alternative and cash payment. Please make sure your registrations are done before the cut off.
Season Dates
- Leg one – 22nd of October to the 11th of December
- Leg two – 11th of February to the 19th of March
The age to grade guidelines are:
- Under 7 – students born 2019/2018
- Under 8 – students born 2017
- Under 10 – students born 2016/2015
- Under 12 – students born 2014/2013
- Under 14 – students born 2012/2011/2010
Playing Nights – please note there has been a change to the playing nights
- Under 7 and Under 8 and under 10 – Tuesdays
- Under 12 and Under 14 – Wednesdays
Calendar Art Orders
Calendar art can now be ordered. Calendars, diaries, mouse pads, sets of cards and sketch pads can be ordered through KINDO. Perfect gifts for Christmas.
Order forms will be sent home today and MUST be returned to school regardless of payment method.
With this Saturday being finals day the season is completed. Thank you to everyone who was involved – coaches, managers, supporters, whānau and of course the players themselves. We have nearly 100 students playing netball for our school, with Year 3/4 teams, Year 5/6 teams and Year 7/8 teams.
With this being the last playing Saturday it also means the return of uniforms. Please ensure that these are washed and dried before they are returned. There is nothing like pulling out a musty, smelly top from storage at the start of the new netball season.
This term we have had two very enthusiastic teams competing in the Interschool Futsal competition on Monday nights. They have had a great time! Thanks so much to Tash Denison and Catherine Rice for managing the teams for us – without parent managers we cannot participate in these extra sports.

Te Motu Syndicate Swimming
Dear Parents and Caregivers of Te Motu Syndicate
This is to inform you that our syndicate will be travelling by bus to the Coastlands Aquatic Centre on Wednesday, 4 September. Through past experience we have learnt that there is no benefit for our students to take them for swimming lessons if they are already capable swimmers. Therefore, we will conduct diagnostic testing to select the students who most need swimming lessons. We will then take the students in need of developing water confidence for 5 swimming lessons in Weeks 9 and 10 of this term. Qualified swimming instructors will take these lessons. There is no charge for any of this programme.
Your child will need to bring togs and a towel on Wednesday, 4 September. This is not optional as it is part of the New Zealand Curriculum and at PBS we feel very strongly about the importance of all Kiwi kids being confident in the water. If your child is unable to swim due to poor health, can you please send a note or email to their classroom teacher. If your child is unable to join us for diagnostic testing, but you feel that your child would benefit from being part of the swimming programme, please contact their classroom teacher asap as spaces in the programme are limited.
Cath Franks
Syndicate Leader
Recent Student Achievements

Future Student Achievements
If your child has an achievement you would like us to share in our newsletter, then please send details (and a picture if you would like) to mbarfoote@pbs.school.nz
Join the PBS Whānau Rōpu

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And the best part? 20% of your Membership price supports our fundraiser!
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Thank you for your continued support!
Order Here – https://subscribe.